Distant: Chapter 75

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"It's okay you can always shower again and that just means your already undressed." Andrew says grabbing onto my waist. "Oh come on that's not fair." I complain. "Fine all I'm asking is for a kiss. If you pull away that's it." Andrew says, our faces inches away. "Fine." I whisper before leaning in a kissing him. This is it. I can't pull away. We start walking back until I'm against a wall then a picture of Colby pops in my head and it's like I can feel him instead of Andrew. I pull away from Andrew. "What's wrong?" Andrew asks, leaning his head against mine. "Nothing. We should just get ready. And I'm kind of hungry." I say before leaning up and giving him a quick, but loving kiss, hoping I sounded convincing. "Okay." He smiles. "As much as I hate to say it you should get dressed. While I go shower." Andrew laughs. "Don't worry there's always tonight." I laugh before slipping out from under him. He catches my arm and spins me against him. "I love you." He says in a sweet voice. "I love you too." I respond feeling guilty about thinking of Colby only moments ago. I lean up and kiss him. "Go shower before I change my mind and we're late." I smile before walking to the dresser. I forget sometimes that I don't live here, with how my stuff is set up. "You know I wouldn't mind that." He laughs. "Go." I say looking through my drawer. "Fine. Little miss bossy." He says. I flip him off before pulling out some shorts. He laughs before walking out and closing the door. I put on a white and yellow swimsuit, then some lotion. Then I put something on over the swim suit for the mean time. I put on jean shorts and a cropped yellow hoodie, paired with some vans (outfit on Ig story) I walked out and realized Andrew had finished showering, so he must have been changing in his room. I decide to take down a bowl from the cabinet and make some cereal. As I prepare my cereal I think back to Colby telling me he made me breakfast just for a damn bowl of cereal. I smile thinking back on it as I put the milk and cereal away. I miss Colby. Waite no I don't. It's just so ugh. I push the thought out of my head. Then I hear Andrew come out. His timing always amazes me. "Hey babe." I call out as I bring my bowl of cereal to living room, so I can watch YouTube. "Hey." Andrew smiles, walking over. "Wow you made cereal and didn't make me any?" Andrew says as he looks at me. "Uhhhhh... No I made this bowl for you." I laugh. "Oh really so you don't mind me coming over and eating it." He says walking over. "Not a problem it's yours." I say. He sits down and takes the spoon from my hand. He smirks at me knowing damn well this cereal was mine. I get up with a pout and start walking back to the kitchen to make myself a new bowl. "Awee. I'm just kidding. I would never do that to you." Andrew laughs. My eyes light up as I turn around. "Come on. You can have some of mines. I'm not that hungry." He laughs. I smile a big ass smile, and walk over to him. I sit on his lap and turn towards him. "First off your bitch for making me think you were really about to eat that. Second your the best boyfriend ever for not, and I love you." I smile. Andrew chuckles and Colby pops up in my head once again, but this time I instantly push it out. "I love you too." Andrew laughs before kissing me then taking a spoon full of the cereal. Honestly I wasn't that hungry either so we just shared that one bowl of cereal while watching YouTube before deciding it was time to go. I just grab a mini backpack and put my vlog camera and a tripod in it just in case. We leave his apartment and go out to the parking garage. We hop into his car and drive to the beach. I facetime Tara to tell her were on our way. She answers on the second ring and I see her in Jake cars. "Hey Adalyn. Are you on your way." She asks. "Yeah I'm with my boyfriend." I smile. "Oh my God! Shut up!" She yells. "Oh my god. What the fuck Tara." I hear Jake ask. "Oh sorry." She says. I start laughing. "Hey Jake." I laugh out. "Hey Adalyn, Hey Andrew." Jake calls out through the phone. "Hey man." Andrew says.

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