Distant: Chapter 23

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"Hi, I'm Adalyn" I say trying to be polite. "Okay and..." She says eyeing me. "I know this bitch did not just...  I turn to Colby and luck at him, like if he does not hold me back I'm really bout to hurt this hoe. Okay maybe hoe is a little harsh. "So are you doing anything later?" She says with a giggle and wink. I take it back hoe is an understatement. I clench my jaw, really trying to watch my mouth. Colby looks down at me. "Yeah, we have plans he says looking down at me. Actually we have to go, were gonna be late." He walks me around to the passenger seat and opens the door for me. I get in and close the door. Colby goes to the other side and gets in the car. He starts the car and rolls down the window. "Bye" he says before driving off. Damn. Colby's really the best. "So who was that." "No one." He says sounding slightly irritated. "What it's nit like I'm gonna get mad or anything." I say with a nervous laugh. "It doesn't matter, just shut up." I know he is not about to have that attitude with me. "Stop it. I don't know who she is, or what happened and honestly I don't care, but you won't talk to me like that." Colby turns to me, "Where you about to fight her?" "Maybe, but clearly I was trying not to." I say trying not to get upset. "Why just because she was flirting with me." "No, because she was being a bitch about. What's wrong with you?" I ask now just as irritated as Colby if not more. "Nothing." He says with attitude. "You, know what I'm not going to be around you like this. Please pull over." "Are you crazy. No." "Colby. If you don't pull over I swear on my life, I will jump out this dumb car." I say tears streaming down my face at this point. "Okay, fine." He sighs. He pulls over in front of some restaurant and I begin to walk inside. "Where are you going?" He calls out. "Colby you know close to everything about me. You have been the only person to love me, when everyone else hurt me. I refuse to let you hurt me so I'm just gonna take an Uber home." "Adalyn waite..." "Just go home. I'll see you later tonight when we both have calmed down." I turn around and walk into the restaurant, without looking back. I order an Uber and just waite for it to arrive. While I wait I begin to think. I just don't get it, he knows everything about me, then we run into some random ass girl and he changes in an instant. I wasn't even mad, so why was he acting so harsh. I hear my phone get a notification. It's my Uber driver saying she's here. I leave the restaurant and get into the back. We weren't that far away from home so the ride was short. We arrive pretty soon and before I get out I hear the girl say something. "Hey I don't know what your going through, but good luck, you'll get through it." I hear those words and break down, I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't keep it together. I thank the lady and go to my front door. At this point I don't even have the mindset to look for my keys, so I just bang on the door. Kat opens the door and I just fall into her arms crying. All the girls come running up to me. "Adalyn what happened?" I could barley even breath at the moment. "Adalyn talk to us please...." Ava begs. I just sit there on my knees in Kats arm until I finally catch my breath and explain everything. Once I finally cry myself out of tears. I notice the girls are all dressed. Then I remember the boys were having a party today. "Are you going to the party?" I ask. "No." Tara says. "No you guys can go. I'm fine." "Were not going anywhere without you Addy." Devyn says softly. "Do you want to Come." Jane asks. "Actually yeah. I need to talk to Colby." "Okay babes, let's get you ready first." Kat says. Okay. I get up with the little will power I have left and go change. I clean off my messy make-up and don't even bother putting anymore back on.

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