Distant: Chapter 6

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Colby and I walk back out to the rest of the group. A smile appeared on there faces when they saw us come out. "What?" I question with a confused face. "Nothing..." They all say in unison. Even I can tell that sounded like a lie. "What kind of cult shit is this?" I heard Colby say, earning a laugh from me and the rest of the group. "So are we going, or what?" Corey asks. "Yuppp!!! Let's Go!" I basically sequel out before heading towards the door. "Waite..." I hear Colby whine from behind me. "No time for waiting Colby." "If you don't waite you'll have no one to pay for your ticket." Colby replies. All of sudden I stop. Huh I guess he's right. The group starts to laugh and I turn towards them. I honestly forget they were here for a moment. "Should we take Uber or just go by car?" Devyn asks. "I'm feeling Uber." Sam replies. "Really I was thinking car." Colby says. "How about colby, Adalyn, Jake and I go in Colby's car. You guys can order two ubers and split up however you'd like, Sound good?" Tara suggests. We all agree too it. Sam orders an Uber and Tara Jake, Colby, and I get into Colby's car. Jake and Tara sit in the back so they can talk, leaving Colby to drive, obviously, and me sitting next to him, in the passenger seat. We waite for the rest of the group's Ubers to come, then we begin on our way. The car ride was amazing. It was anything, but quiet. We would all talk and laugh, when Jake and Tara talked to each other, then Colby and I would talk, or if Jake and Colby talked, then Tara and I talked too, and so on. Even when no one was talking we would listen to music and sing along. We get there around an hour later, it felt really quick though. We find a parking spot and go to the front, because that's where the group agreed to meet. As the four of walked to the front we saw the rest of the group already waiting. "Ready?" Sam asked. "Yup, how long have you guys been waiting?" "We got here just before you guys." Sam says. "Same here" Jane adds "Oh good." I say with a smile. As we waite in line to get our fast passes and enter Disneyland. After a short while we get through. "So what should we do first?" Jake asks. "I'm hungry" Jane and I say at the same time causing us to both giggle at the end too. I turn to Colby. "So you guys are paying for the meals too right?" I say with a slight laugh. "Good idea" Tara laughs along. "Waite that's not fair." Corey protests. "Fine we'll vote" I state. Of course all the girls voted for the guys to pay and the boys opposed, but there's more girls than guys, so the outcome was obvious. During the voting Sam looked at Kat with puppy eyes, "Babe do you really want us to pay...🥺" "Yup..." She replies with no remorse. "Sorry fries before guys." "Thank you, see Kat understands." I laugh out. "Fine" Sam says in defeat. The girls cheer. "You let us down Sam." Jake says. "But look how happy they are." Sam says with a laugh. "You know it would be the same outcome if you tried with Tara." "I guess your right. Let's just go, honestly I'm hungry too." Jake laughs out. "Let's gooo." Jane wails out. We make our way to a princess themed restaurant. It looks so magical the restaurant is actually designed as a ballroom with an open place to dance in the middle. We walk in and see the waitress at the front. Colby ask if she has a table for ten, or a booth. "Unfortunately we only have tables of two left, but there are six, so your welcome to split up and use five of the tables, if that is okay with you?" The waitress asks. Colby turns to look at us, we all agree on it. He turns back to the waitress, "That's fine." "Great. Follow me this way." We all split up into two and sit down waiting to order. Tara and Jake sat together, Ava and Devyn, Corey and Jane, Sam and Kat, and lastly, Colby and I.

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