Distant: Chapter 44

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"Okay. Well were do you want to go?" He asks. "Umm... I don't know. Do you want to just go to downtown and just see what looks good?" I ask. "Yeah that sounds fine." He says pulling off. We drive around downtown for only about two minutes and inevitably just get taco bell. Don't judge me we couldn't decide anything. "Taco Bell is going to be the death of me." Colby chuckles out as we pull into the drive thru. "Ha same." We order the same thing as always then decide to go somewhere to eat. "Do you want to go to the park or beach?" I ask Colby. "Uh... I really love the beach, but last time sand got in my taco." He pouts. "Okay, the park it is." I laugh. We drive to a park with benches in the back. We go sit at the benches and start eating. "So your birthday." Colby says. "My birthday already passed." I say looking at him. "Yeah, nut with everything that was going on, we never even got to celebrate it." He says. "Yeah, but I mean oh well." I laugh a little. "Well I was wondering if you'd want to have like a small party." Colby says. "I don't know, a party?" I say. "Or we could go to Disneyland or something." Colby suggest. My eyes widen at the idea. "That sounds good, but seriously you couldn't have said that before I chose my outfit." I say with a smile. "Just were it again tomorrow." He says. "No way. I refuse. Whatever I'll figure something out." I say. "Your annoying." Colby laughs. "It's not my fault you have useless advice." I say. "No you just don't listen." He protest. "That's because your advice isn't worth listening to." I fake argue back. "Whose idea was it to go to Disneyland?" He says, knowing the answer damn well. "You." I huff out, with my arms crossed. "Exactly." He chuckles. "Omg look at this." I exclaim. "What?" He asks. I show him my necklace, then get up to throw my trash away. "Hey, don't be mad." Colby says, holding in a laugh. "Whatever let's go tell the group and make sure everyone is available." I say already walking to the car. "Waite up." Colby says jogging up to me. I just keep walking. "Your not seriously mad right?" Colby questions. "Nope." I say and keep walking. "You seem kind of mad." He states. "No I don't." I simply reply. "Then kiss me." He says as we get to the car. "No." I say. "See your mad. Why what I'd do. It doesn't matter what do you want me to do to fix it?" Colby says, while pushing the door, to keep me from opening it. Damn he really is sweetest. He owns my whole heart, there's no way I could ever choose to lose him or let him go. "Seriously Colby, I'm not mad." I say then grab his to move it off the door. Sure enough he moves his hand, but uses it to grab me around the waist. "Colby we have to ask the group." I say as he pulls me closer. "I'm serious if your mad I'm sorry." He says. Were so close I can feel his breath on mine. "I'm fine. You didn't even do anything." I laugh a little nervously. I can feel shivers from how close we are and his grip on my waist. "Okay. I love you." He says. "I love you to." I say as I lean up to kiss him. I only meant to peck him on the lips, but it's like my body decided other wise. Before I knew it, my arms were around his neck and it had become much more than a kiss. After about a whole ass five minutes I gained control over myself again and pulled back. "Come on, we gotta go." I half whisper. "Yeah. I'm sure someone had to have passed by us and almost gagged." He laughs. "Now that's your fault. I seem to have no control around you." I laugh out. "Oh, but you didn't mind cock blocking me this morning." He says as he goes around the car to the driver seat. I laugh as I get into the car. "Your right I have complete control when it comes to revenge." I say. "That wasn't revenge it was torture." Colby says as he starts the car. "Hm. It's what you deserved." I laugh. "Not even the devil deserves that." He jokingly wines.

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