Distant: Chapter 19

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"Colby that's not true. I told you everything about me, because of those same reasons. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. When every other guy in life chose to abuse me, it was you who chose to protect me. You deserve more love than I can ever give you. I begin to cry just thinking about it. When I was younger I used to think that way. I used to think that maybe I deserver to be abused, maybe it was my fault. It actually caused me to go into depressions and of course it still crosses my mind, but Colby should never have to feel those things. He doesn't deserve to and neither does anyone else. "I love you" I say hiccuping between every word with teats streaming down my face. He pulls me as close to him as possible and whispers he loves me too. "Adalyn?" He asks. "Yeah." I say, once I am finally able to catch my breath. "From this moment on our past no longer matter, because from this point on I vow to protect you and your heart for the rest of our lives. I smile into his neck and squeeze him even tighter for a moment. "Colby?" I ask. "Yeah." He whispers with a crack in his voice. I pull away and look at him. I see a tear fall down his face. I wipe it with my thumb. "I promise to always give you all the love that I have. I would never use you, because I love you more than anyone in this world." "Hey, we should go swimming." He says. "No Colby it's probably cold, plus I don't have a swimming suite." "Pleaseeeeeeee" "You know I can't say no to those eyes, but I really don't have a swimsuit or towel." "Oh I have towels in my trunk, I was gonna use them in case the blanket wasn't big enough. And you can just wear your underclothes, it's not like I wasn't gonna see you half naked sometime tonight anyways. "Oh. My. God. Colby. You know what, I don't want to swim anymore." "Oh come on. I was joking, plus remember the day I met you..." I begin to blush just thinking about it. "Okay fine, if you shut up, we can go." "Deal" he says with a laugh. Good thing I wore my matching set tonight. But I really went through all that time straightening my hair. I mean fuck it though I was gonna wash it out in the morning anyways. All these thoughts go through my head as we walk down the other side of the hill. Waite what if someones there. Oh who am I kidding it's got to be almost two in the morning by now. We walk down and I strip of my shirt, shoes and pants, as I watch Colby do the same. I'm not gonna lie I feel self conscious of my body because my ex used to not only physically, but mentally abused me when I didn't want to have sex with him. The mental part was way worse, yeah he would hit me, but he would also call me fat and yell slurs at me. I never really got them out of my head, and it's hard for me to feel comfortable around people. Colby must have seen the uncertainty in my eyes because he came running up to me with a beautiful big smile. "You look AMAZING, my beautiful everything." He said while picking me up and spinning me. He puts me down and we kiss. This kiss was different, it was passionate. This kiss said I love you, and your everything I need. This kiss showed me I had nothing to worry about when I'm with him. We unlatched are lips and locked eyes. We gave one another a look of admiration. It was like he put me in a trans, because I couldn't look away from his beautiful blue eyes. Then I saw a mischievous look in his eyes, as a smirk appeared on his face, and I felt his hands on my waist. He swiftly picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.  I begin to kick, once I realize what's happening. "Noooo, Colby don't do this. The water is cold!" I whine aloud. "It's okay I'm getting in too." I continue kicking, as I see him step further and further in the water. He sets almost waist deep and I slap him ass, while yelling 'noo'. That must of really caught him off guard, because he instantly drops me into the water.

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