Distant: Chapter 74

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Andrew wraps his arms around me and we stand like that for a moment before I yawn and pull away. "You tired?" Andrew asks. "Yeah let's go home. I forgot we're going to the beach tomorrow anyways." I say grabbing my heals out of the sand. "Yeah it'll be fun with everyone." Andrew says. "Wow, calling me boring." I laugh. "No just not that fun." He jokes. "Wow okay. I see how it is. Don't talk to me." I say pretending to be mad as I walk off. "So you want me to give you a piggy back ride back to the car?" Andrew calls out as he jogs up to me. "Good point." I laugh, stopping in my tracks so I can jump on his back. "Your ridiculous." He laughs. As he wraps his arm around my legs that are dangling by his torso. "Hey you offered it this time." I laugh. "Fair enough." He laughs, as he starts walking off the beach and toward the car. Andrew and I just talk and laugh with occasional breaks before we get to his car and drive home. That feels weird to think about, Andrews home feels like my home, but it also doesn't because my home feels like home. Damn I really miss living with the girls some times. I'll be back soon though. Plus I'm going to see everyone tomorrow. Everyone including Colby. I unconsciously sigh as I look out the window. "What's wrong babe?" Andrew asks. The words babe sound so natural coming out of his mouth now. "Nothing. I was just thinking." I reply. "You sure?" Andrew asks, taking his free hand and putting it in mine. The last day I spent with Colby pops in my head and how much he pushed just to hold my hand. I take in a deep breath. "I'm perfect. I have you and that's all I need." I smile, squeezing on to his hand. Andrew smiles and glances over to me before pulling into his parking spot. Andrew leans over and kisses my cheek before getting out the car. I do the same and we walk to his apartment then into the elevator. "So your nervous about tomorrow and seeing Colby?" Andrew asks. "Oh, what the fuck. Are you Houdini or something?" I laugh. The elevator door bings abd opens. We walk down to his apartment. "No I just know you." Andrew replies. "Well yeah, I'm a little nervous, but I meant what I said about having you." I reply. "Good. I love you." He says kissing me. "I love you too." I reply once I pull away. "Are you nervous?" I ask putting my stuff down.  "Of course not. I love you and I trust you." Andrew smiles looking toward me. "Yet another reason, why I'm dating you." I laugh. He laughs along. I noticed something sounded a little off when he said that, but I trust him to, so I just let it go. I go to my room to change into something to sleep in. I just put on some comfortable shorts covered by a large white t-shirt. I walk out and see Andrew just knocked out on the couch in what he's been wearing all day, except shoes. I just laugh then walk over, before snuggling in next to him. His arm warps around me, pulling me closer, and I see a small smile appear on his face as he sleeps peacefully. The next morning I feel shuffling and moving around me causing me to wake up. "Shit. Sorry Adds I was trying not to wake you up." Andrew whispers. "It's okay. What time is it?" I ask while rubbing my eyes and opening them completely. "It's only nine." Andrew responds. "Oh okay." I say turning and sitting up. Andrew gets up. "Okay I'll be right back." Andrew says before walking to the bathroom. God I need a shower. Andrew soon comes out. "Hey babe I'm gonna go shower okay?" I say as he walks over to me. His eyes soften looking at me and my heart melts. I get up and kiss him before walking to the shower. I don't take to long in the shower. When I come out I realize I don't have my clothes or lotion or anything, so I just wrap myself in a towel and go to room. I walk inside and see Andrew sitting on the bed. I scream out. "Oh my god. I'm sorry." Andrew laughs out. "Why are you in here?" I laugh. "You know I was thinking we don't have to be at the beach until three..." Andrew say getting up and walking toward me. "Nope nah uh. You can waite until tomorrow or something I literally just showered." I say shaking my head.

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