Distant: Chapter 50

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"What do you mean. I live here, and you?" He says in amazement. "I live here too." I say. "Wow that's wild." He says. "Yeah. It really is." I agree. "Am I missing something." Tara whispers. "Oh duh." I say hitting my head. "This is my best friend Tara. You met her once when I face timed you on my trip to L.A." I say wrapping my arm around Tara. "Oh I kind of remember you." Tara says looking lost in thought. "Yeah." He says thinking about it. "Yeah well we have to get home, but hopefully I'll see you around or something." I say before giving him a quick hug. "Oh waite. Here." Noah says pulling out his phone. "Maybe we can hang out sometime it's been a while." He says. "Uh? Yeah okay." I agree then add myself as a contract into his phone. "Okay. Well it was nice seeing you." Noah says taking his phone back. "Yeah. Bye." I smile and wave before starting to walk away. "Oh and nice meeting you Tara." Noah calls out. "Same here." Tar calls out, turning back quickly. We get in line and pay for our items, once we get to the cashier. We leave and I start thinking about what just happened. How crazy is it seeing Noah after all these years. I think to myself as I load the bags in the trunk. Tara and I get in the car and buckle up. "What are you thinking about?" Tara asks, but I'm sure she already knows. I put my key in the ignition, but don't start the car, instead I turn to Tara. She's my best friend, so I decide to explain everything to her. "Well Noah. It's been forever since I've seen him. Noah was my first best friend. My first real friend actually." I say looking at Tara. "Okay. Tell me more." Tara says, sounding genuinely interested. "Noah was actually my neighbor. He lived right next door from my uncles house." I say. "Oh." Tara says, probably thinking about my uncle. "Yeah." I sigh. "Noah was always there he was the one person I could escape to. Sometimes I would sneak out to hang out with him, when I knew my uncle was drunk. Sometimes he beat me when I got home, but I knew I was safe for the night when I was with Noah. He actually probably saved me from dying." I say. I feel a great appreciation toward Noah wash over in that moment. "So then why did you stop talking?" Tara asks? She looked like she was indecisive about the thought of asking, but she did and I didn't mind telling her. I trusted and still trust Tara with my life. "To sum it up I guess it was my fault. Well I don't know. I shouldn't blame myself, but I do. I honestly think it is, that's why. If I had just kept my mouth shut." I say getting slightly irritated with myself. "Okay, now I definitely need an explanation. I know for a fact you would never do anything to hurt anyone or end a friendship. And I know especially not on purpose." Tara says in a stern, yet nice voice. "It wasn't on purpose. It was just. I just..." God how do I even explain this. "Its because I..." I take a deep breath. "Well he was like my best friend. Like I said I felt like he saved, so I started to like him. One day I told him and on that day. It had to be that fucking day. He told me he got a girlfriend, someone he felt like he really loved. It didn't take long, for things to become awkward. I don't know, we where best friends and it's like it ended with one sentence. I swear some times it's like I'm the only person in the world capable of fucking everything up." I say as tears try to escape my eyes. "Umm. No. He sounds like a dick you did nothing wrong." Tara says. "No it's my fault I fuck everything up. Everything I probably can't even blame my ex for hitting me. That's why I'm.so scared I don't want to lose Colby." I say, now crying and my voice cracking with every word. "Oh no. That's not your fault. And Colby loves you. I've never even seen anyone look at someone the way you two look at one another." Tara says in a more comforting voice than earlier.

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