Distant: Chapter 22

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I wave Colby over to me and he comes and stands next to me. I begin to explain and Colby jumps in every once in a while. "See you guys we not gonna do it yet you nasty minded people." "What about when you got out the shower", Colby says in a low voice, but apparently loud enough for the group to hear. The group began making different reactions, from laughing, to 'oooo's. "Shut up, your not helping Colby." He blushes, "Sorry". "I'm just saying, if we did though. They would of defiantly heard it." Colby whispers in my ear. My eyes go wide, as I process his words. "Okay I need to go film." "Same." Jake says. "Do you guys want to do a skit with me for my video?" 'Sure' we all nod in agreement. We film Jakes video. And I was actually dying of laughter along with everybody else the whole time. He had this one squirrel head with a tan suite. It was really funny in the videos, but low-key creepy in real life. After finishing Jake's video we decided to all play Cards Against Humanity, for my video. After filming we decided to just hang out. Colby and I eventually decide to go out to a late lunch. Brennen is going to come too, so I can finally meet him, which is cool I guess. We split up and go our separate ways for a while. With Colby and I going to Tender greens of course. When Colby and I get out his car. I see a guy with green hazel eyes. He had curly brown hair and nit gonna lie nice style. "Hey Man." He says as Colby and I walk up to him. Sam and Colby clasp hands and hug. Brennen turns toward me, "So you must be my competition." He laughs. "Yeah, I'm Adalyn."  "I get why you left me for for her now." Brennen says with a fake sniff. "Dudee Brobly for life." He says jokingly. "Wowwwww." I say laughing. "Babe, you know I love you." He says, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Wowww. Okay Colby, I see how it is." Brennen says pretending to be hurt. "There's no winning with you guys." Colby says in defeat. "Yeah" we both say at the same time. We then high five laughing. We all walk into to the tender Greens and grab a table. We sit down and Brennen asks me if I've ever had Tender Greens. "No. I just moved here not too long ago." "Oh really. You have to try the salmon or grilled cheese." "Yeah, okay good thing you told me, because of how indecisive I can be." "Oh so you let Colby lead." Brennen says while winking. "Gross. We're at a restaurant." "Your not denying it." "Brennen stop it." Colby says, blushing. "What that's how you were with me." Brennen says jokingly while. The waiter comes to take our order. He takes our order down then tells us it will be out soon, before walking away. As soon as he walks away we all laugh. "Do you think he heard that?" Colby asks. I nod yes. We all settle down in laughter and just start to talk. Brennen is actually really nice. Colby and him also make jokes.  With the jokes they make, I understand why fans ship them. Same with him and Sam. I honestly ship them sometimes, but as best friends. I love their friendship and how important they are to one another. "Are you ready to go Colby asks?" "Oh yeah. Bye Brennen." I say getting up from mu seat. "Bye" he says giving me a quick hug. "Byeee" he says to Colby before blowing him a kiss. Colby pretend to catch it and pulls it to his heart. Colby and I go to his car, while Brennen goes the other way. I walk around to the other side of his car and we are about to get in, when I hear a female call out to him. He turns around to see who it is. "Oh hey, Megan." He says kind of off put. I wonder why, maybe she's his ex or something. The girl jogs up to him and damn near jumps on him. "How are you?" she says. "I'm fine" he says taking a step back. I feel so awkward just standing there looking almost dumb found. "This is my girlfriend" he says looking over to me. I come around and stand next to him, as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

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