Distant: Chapter 84

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"Always and forever." I repeat. That makes no type of sense, but some reason it means the world to me. I hold on to Colby, savoring this bitter sweet moment, before I finally pull away. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I smile, while tears still stream down my face. It takes a while, but after a few sniffs and wiping my eyes multiple times. I stop crying. After wiping my own eyes I look to Colby's now glossy ones. "Adalyn I really do love you more than anything in this world. I hope you know that" He says and a tear falls from his eye. I wipe it away and lay my head against his. "I know baby. You don't even have to say it, I can feel it. I can even see it everytime you look at me and it never ceases to make my heart flutter each time. I could never feel anything but love for you Colby, okay?" He nods his head. As his lips form into a soft sweet smile. With just a small curve on each end. "Okay come on. As much as I hate to, I have to pack." I say rolling over and getting up. "Okay." Colby smiles. "On the bright side I know my baby is right across the street again and I can see here again." He adds. "Yeah. That's true." I lightly laugh while pulling out all my suitcases from under the bed. "Uh Colby?" "Yeah?" "Can you just help me pack my clothes. I'm uh..." I trail off and my eyes sting as they hold my tears back. I flutter my eyes trying to push the tears away, but one still manages to full. Colby comes over and holds me, rocking us back and forth. I take in a deep shaky breath. "I uh.. I'm. I'm gonna go collect a few of Andrew things. Then return the key." I finish. "Are you sure you don't want me to help?" Colby asks. "Yeah. I'm gonna come back tonight to pack the other stuff for donations then make the calls for the money to go to the organization he listed. You can come along or help me with that if you'd like." I say taking in another breath. "Okay baby. I'll be here if you finish before me, or need anything." Colby replies. I pull away and leave the room without another word. I walk over to Andrew's room. I stop in front of the door, contemplating if I'm ready to take this in. I know that honestly I'm not, but I may not ever be so I have to do it now. While a still have somewhat of the courage to. With that I open the door and step in. As soon as I enter and look around it all just hits me. The realization of everything. The fact that Andrew is truly gone. The fact that it's might be my fault. I feel a whirlpool of emotions swim around in my head and ache in my stomach. My eyes start stinging again, but I'm determined to get through this. Andrew always told me to stay strong because he 'knows' I'm strong. I know he meant it, but I never really felt it. This time though I'll be strong just for him. I go to his closet and grab one of his backpacks(backpack on ig story). It was my favorite one that he had. I would always choose it for him to wear, if we went somewhere, that he needed it. He always rolled his eyes, when I chose it, but had a stupid big smile on his face. It was really cute and sometimes I honestly just chose it to see the smile I knew would appear on his face. He wouldn't tell me, but I think it was his favorite too. It suited his figure and over all look. I open up the bag and see an old ass moldy sandwich in a zip lock bag. I gag just looking at it. That sandwich had to be from at least a week ago when we went hiking. I throw it in the trash can he has by his door then walk over to his bed. I see the photo of Andrew and I, that I placed there last night. I puck it up and stare at it for a moment. I feel my stomach get queasy and tears start to form. I quickly wipe the tears away and kiss the photo before placing it in the bag. I look around the room just grabbing a few things that meant a lot to him or I. Once I finish I just lay on the bed, taking in this moment and the room for the last time, before tomorrow when I pack the rest of it up and give it away.

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