Distant: Chapter 32 (Colby's P.O.V.)

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Sam drives to the hospital, while I sit in the back holding Adalyn. I hear Adalyn's breathing becoming unsteady every now and then, before it becomes really slow all of a sudden. We get into the hospital. I hop out of the back with Adalyn in my arms and rush to the front. "Help please. My.... My...?" My voice is uneasy and I can barely talk. "My girlfriend is unconscious." I say with tears in my eyes and my heart in my throat. They rush her to a room and give me paper work to fill out. Right now I can't even think straight, so Sam did the paper work and I could here Kat in the background talking to people from the group letting them know what happened. Kat's eyes were red and, her voice barely loud enough to here. I felt really bad, because I know how close they are. I couldn't even focus on that though. Adalyn was, no she is the love of my life, she's my everything. I never deserved her, but she always stuck by me. She was the only person I felt an instant connection with and even after I fucked everything up, she came back. She is the only person, I've ever instantly fell in love with. I hope she's okay. She has to be okay. God please, I can't live without her, if you take anyone make it be me. Please.  I continuously beg in my head. But it doesn't matter, because she's in the hospital bed right now and not me. Why is it her, why not me. She's never done anything wrong. Is this a way to get back at me. I can't live without her. A million thoughts and more keep going through my head as I pace around the hospital. I feel a hand on my back. "It's okay man. Adalyn is strong, she'll get through this." Sam says in a soft voice. His eyes and face are red, and you can tell he has been crying too. "Thank you." I say, but still filled with worry. The rest of the group eventually show up looking, just as a mess as Sam. None of them look quite as bad as Tara, Kat, and I. We were the closest to her. I need to stop, it's not were, she's still alive. I believe in her. Adalyn is alive, she has to be. I know she is, I just don't completely feel it yet. Jake comes up to me and hugs me. "I.." I can't finish my sentence. I just cry, while hugging him back. I've never cried so much in my life. I never even felt this much emotion before I've met Adalyn. "I know." Jake whispers to me, giving tightening the hug for a moment before letting go. "Thanks man." I choke out. A doctor comes out and calls for who came with Adalyn. Everyone in the group stand up, but only Kat, Tara and I walk over to him. "Adalyn is fine, she just woke up." I let out a sigh. "She however is showing signs of slight amnesia. She knows her name and she mentioned a  girl named Kat." "That's me." Kat says. "Okay we'd like to only have one or two people go in at a time, but you should go first. She seems to remember you. You two can go next." The doctor points to Tara and I.  Did she not remember me? My heart just about shattered even thinking that. Kat sucked in a shakey and followed the doctor. The doctor let Tara and I waite outside the door. I could see everything happening. Them talking and hugging. Adalyn didn't look to bad, and she remember Kat pretty well from what it looked like. I could see the tears in both of there eyes. It broke my heart seeing Adalyn laying in a hospital bed. After half an hour Kat came out with a small smile, but tears still in her eyes. Tara and I were about to walk in, but cat lightly grabbed my arm. "Just be prepared." She said in a low voice. I just looked at her as she walked away, wondering what exactly she meant. It was just making my anxiety worse. "Ready?" Tara asked. I nod my head and we both walk in. A huge smile appears on her face, making my heart beat again and giving me hope. "Tara!" She exclaims, with red swollen eyes.

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