Distant: Chapter 38

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"Sure." I say with a fake smile, that I hope was convincing. It's not that I didn't want to go, I just wasn't in much of a mood. "Okay great." He says with a small smile before walking away. His smile just reminds me of Colby's. I miss his beautiful smile, despite the fact that I don't really remember seeing it in person. I sip my drink, wanting the alcohol to help me in some way, but I know it won't. The drink is actually really good. It's not as much alcohol as I would like, but I probably shouldn't get drunk if I'm about to go out with a stranger anyways. Andrew comes back as I finish my drink. I can now see his clothes, because the apron no longer covers them. He's wearing black jeans, regular converse, and a red and black flannel, that kind of reminds me of Colby. He is also wearing two rings, that add to the look. I finish my drink then pull out my wallet from my bag. I planned on just leaving thirty dollars, but he grabbed the cup and said it was on the house. He went to the back and put it in the sink I assume, before coming back out. I just slide the money in my pocket and waite at the door. He comes over to me and we walk out. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Um, I know a mountain that's only like five minutes from here that we can hike. The view is amazing." Everything that just happened not to long ago flashes through my mind. "I'd rather not." I say putting my head down. "Oh okay, how about the beach." He says with a softer rone in his voice. I think about my lock screen. It seems everything just reminds me Colby. "The beach is fine." "Do you want to walk or take Uber?" He asks. "How far away is it?" I ask. "Only a few minutes." He responds. "Okay we can walk." I say nodding my head. We walk in the direction of the beach and I kind of just follow his lead. We begin to small talk as we walk to the beach, every once in a while something would come up making me think of Colby. Sometimes he would just pop up in my head, but I tried to push it a way for now. We get to the beach and just decide to keep walking. The day passes by as we walk and talk. "Why did you decide to take me out today?" I ask. "Honestly. I didn't plan on it, you just looked like you needed it." He admits. "Surely, I'm not the first broken hearted girl you've seen." I didn't mean to tell him I was broken hearted, but it just slipped out. Andrew turns his head and looks at me in thought. "You're right, but you seemed different. Or maybe it's just me." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well. I just went through a break up about a week ago." I lool at him shocked from the words that just came out his mouth. He chuckles a bit at my reaction, then continues to explain. "I was really in love with this one girl, but it turns out she cheated on me behind my back any chance she got." I look at him sort of sympathetically. "What was her name?" I ask curiously. "Uh. It was Megan." He says with a sad tone. "Megan." I repeat quietly. Ugh that name leaves an awful taste in my mouth, and I don't know why. "Well you seem like a really amazing guy. She didn't deserve you anyways." I say as I decide to sit down in the sand. "And what about you?" He asks, while sitting next to me. I sigh just thinking about it. I look up at the now dark sky, for a moment, before responding. "I don't really know. He just..." I gulp trying to push back this horrible feeling and hold in my tears. "He gave up on me. I think he stoped loving me." I continued. I felt my empty heart drop, the minute the words left my mouth. Andrew pulls me into a hug, trying to comfort me. It just reminded me of Colby making me feel worse. But I stayed there, because I wanted to feel wanted for once in my life. As he pulled back I started to remember something.

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