Distant: Chapter 24

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I take a few deep breaths before opening my door and walking back out to the main area where the girls are waiting for me. I walk out and Tara cheers. "That's my girl" she laughs. "Do a spin" Devyn laughs.  I do as told and spin. "Thank you." I whisper before hugging the girls. We walk out and across the street to Colby's house. I'm not even mad. I'm just afraid. Giving someone my heart isn't what scares me. What scares me is once I do they become the most capable of breaking it. Colby was the one person I felt I could instantly trust. I didn't distant myself from him, I instantly fell in love with him. Colby is the only person capable in this world that can complete me break me right now and it scared me so bad. We knock on the door and Sam opens it. Their house is already pretty full with guest. "Hey come in." he kisses Kat as we all file in. Sam hugs me and whispers, "Colby is upstairs I think." "Thank you" I whisper back. Sam actually has really comforting hugs and I am so happy for that at this moment. I walk up to Colby's room, before I do anything I just lay my head against the door. "Am I ready for this?" I ask myself. I've gotten used to putting up a wall before talking to people to keep me from getting to hurt. It wasn't possible this time and Colby was moments away from either tearing it out of my chest or making it beat again. Either way as soon as I open this door I have no control of anything. I slowly open it and my heart isn't just torn out my chest. It's been torn out, thrown on the floor and stomped on. I see Colby and Megan, I think it was half naked making out. I don't even have time to see much before my vision becomes blurry. I fall to the ground, tears falling from my eyes uncontrollably. I see Colby standing there in shock before running over to me. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I yell with a scratchy voice. I hear someone running through the door. It's Tara and Jake they both come and hug me. I honestly and to weak to even walk on my own right now. They both help pick me up and help me over to Jakes room. "Waite Adalyn." I hear Colby say as we start to walk out. Jake turns around. "Dude can't you see that you've done enough. I may be your best friend, but even I know you really fucked up." We walk out and over to Jake's room. I sit there and just cry in Tara's arms. She rubs my back. "It's okay baby" she whispers, trying her best to comfort me. I appreciate it, but nothing's gonna work right now. "Shit!" I hear Colby yell, but I don't even care to check. Even if I did I don't have the will power to. I sit there crying for a moment longer before I get the voice to speak again. You guys can go enjoy the party. I feel bad." "Don't." Jake says with sympathy. "No seriously. I'm tired anyways. Is it okay if I take a nap here?" "Yeah of course" Jake says. "Kay thank you. Goodnight." I say hugging them. "Goodnight" they say, while walking out.  I close my eyes and soon fall asleep. I actually was exhausted from all the crying. I wake up to complete silence in the house. I check the time and and see it's 2:30am. I get up and look around the house. Everyone seemed to be in their room asleep. Jake and Tara were asleep in the guest room. They were really great friends. I closed the door and walked out to the kitchen. I got a glass of water. Then looked around the house to see a complete mess.  I should clean the house. It's the least I can do to repay almost everyone in this house.

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