Distant: Chapter 27

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"Colby." I say with a shaky voice afraid to lose Colby again, if I ask the question I'm about to. "Yeah." Colby says with worry in his eyes. "Why did you really do it. Was it my fault. I'm not gonna get mad, I just want to know." "No Adalyn, you did nothing wrong. It was all my fault." "Why then?" I ask getting teary eyed. "The night when you left. Well I agreed with everything you said, and it honestly scared me. Then everything just kind of happened and then you came in and seeing you so sad broke me. Then it just got worse, you told me how you felt on the lawn and I realized I finally met someone who understood me. I wanted to run to you and hug you as tight as possible, but it was too late." "Colby..." I said my voice breaking. "It's all my fault. I distant myself, before anyone can get to close. Then I tried to do it to you." He says with tears in his eyes. "It's okay. I'm here." I say wiping his face.  "You couldn't get rid of me that easy." I say with a small laugh, but still having tears in my eyes. "Adalyn, when I saw what I had done to you, I hated myself. I thought I didn't deserve to even live anymore. But then you came back, after everything I did you still came back. I don't deserve you, not one bit." "I came back because I love you. Even if you broke my heart a million times, it would repair as soon as our lips touch wether I like it or not." "I would never hurt you again." "I know" I whisper before kissing him. The kiss soon becomes more than just a kiss, as I settle into his lap. I hear the door open. I slightly jump and look to see who it is, kind of mad at the timing. "Everytime." Colby mumbles. Sam and Kat look at us with shock. "So, it looks like you guys are good now." "We'd be better if you left us alone a while longer." Colby says jokingly, but I knew he kind of meant it. "Well we were wondering if you'd guys want to go out in honor of I best friends returning to their normal selves." "Yeah and plus it's happy hour at the bar." Kat explains. I feel something grow from under me. Looks like that's not the only happy thing. I turn and look at a blushing Colby. "Don't move, your gonna make it worse." He whispers. I begin to laugh a little. "What's so funny?" Kat asks with a smile. "Nothing. I'm just excited to go clubbing." I say moving side to side. "Okay you guys need to leave." His voice restrained. Sam looks at me then back to Colby slightly confused. Suddenly he grabs Kat's hand before saying they should go get ready. Sam closes the door behind him and as soon as it closes I look at Colby and laugh. "That's not funny." He says his voice a few octaves lower. Before I know it I'm flipped around on the bed. "Colby... You know we can't do this. "You shouldn't have teased me." He says with a sharp look in his eyes. I slip out from under him and run to the door. He runs and picks me up. "You couldn't get rid of me that easy." He mimics my words from earlier, making my heart beat like crazy. Colby tightens his grip on my waist and I wrap my legs around his. He moves back to the bed and sits down, with me still in his lap. Aannnd it's back again. Our lips reconnect, instantly creating more than a normal kiss. "Adalyn if you don't hurry up were gonna get ready without you!" Ava yells from downstairs. I pull back from Colby. "Shit I gotta go I whisper." "Oh come on. You live right across the street, you'll be fine." He almost begs. "If I don't leave now. I never will." I say getting up. "That's not such a bad thing he complains." "I gotta go." I kiss his cheek and walk out. "That's not fair!" He calls out into the hall way. I laugh to myself and continue walking until I get down to where the girls are. We leave and go back to our house to get ready.

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