Distant: Chapter 8

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"I'll take my chances." I say while taking his hand, and walking towards the dance floor that has been empty the entire time we've been here. Colby and I start swaying to the music, while holding on to one another. "See your not so bad." I say. "Not yet." We continue swaying side to side then I notice the rest of our friend group begin to join in, along with a few strangers. We continue to dance to the slow music and talk every now and then. I see Jane and Ava swaying by themselves. "Thank you Colby, but I have to be right back." I whisper to him. He looks at me a little confused, but as I walk towards my girls I see him smiling from the corner of my eye. I go up to them and twirl them at the same time. "You didn't think I'd leave alone, did you?" "Awwe, I know you would never." Jane says. She's right these are two of my best friends and I wouldn't trade them for the world. "So you and Colby?" Ava asks. "What, we were just dancing..." I say as if I didn't know what she was talking about. *Jane fake sneezes twice* "Sorry, I'm just allergic to bullshit." she giggles out. "Fine, maybe there possibly, sorta, might be something there." Jane fake sneezes again. "Shut up" I retort. The music slightly picked up and it wasn't really slow dancing music anymore. "Go to him, we can handle ourselves and we'll be leaving to go on rides in like five to ten minutes anyways."Ava suggests. She's right. "Okay," I say in agreement and walk back to Colby. "Oh no, this is were you're gonna get embarrassed if you dance with me." Colby sorta whines. "I don't mind, were leaving soon anyways. Show me what you got." "Fine, but don't laugh." "Okay" Colby starts to dance, no it's so bad I can't even call it dancing, just moving in the most uncoordinated way possible. I know I promised not to laugh, but I just had to, so I let out a small giggle. "Hey, no laughing." Colby said in a semi-serious tone, but with a big smile. That honestly just made me laugh more though. "I doubt your any better." He challenges. "Believe me nothing's worse than that, but I'm not that good anyways, so I'll just ignore you said that." I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see Kat with a huge smile on her face. "Hey are you ready to go on the rides, we're all about to go now." "Oh yeah, let me just get my stuff and pay the bill I say, before jogging over to the table." I see Colby come up behind me. "You don't have to pay it's my treat" he says. "No way, at least let me pay half." "Nope. Remember you said guys are paying anyways." "Oh yeah, I guess your right." I let Colby pay, but I still felt kind of bad. I'm not used to letting other people do much for me. I grew up doing close to everything myself, so I felt bad making or even letting someone else take care of me. "Ready to go?" Colby asks after getting back his credit card. "Yupp." We walk out to everyone else already waiting outside. "Okay what ride are we going on first?" I ask in excitement. "Okay, slow down. We just ate, let's just walk around a bit, then we'll chose." Corey states. "Fineee." I huff out and make a pouting face. We walk around for a few minutes and talk, before we all decide to go on the Pirates of the Caribbean boat ride. We walked to the ride, and luckily we all had fast passes, so we didn't have to waite in line. We split up into two groups. Corey, Devyn, Jane, Tara, and jake went on the front boat, and the rest of us went on the second one. "Finally the fun begins" I exclaim. 

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