Distant: Chapter 10

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We finally get into the room. I've been dreading the most, this is where he sees me at my lowest, it's important for me to tell someone. Colby and I both sigh at the same time, making me chuckle a bit. "So first the tables of two, now the room of one. I'm starting to think this is a sign." Colby says causing us to both laugh, but it didn't last long. It's amazing that he can even make me laugh in a moment like this one though. "Listen Colby, I'm gonna tell you this, because I trust you and I really like you, I know it's only been two days, but I might even love you. Truthfully you treat, and have treated me better than anyone in my life, besides Jane, Ava, and Tara. Not even they know the whole story though. They just know I've been hurt." I start to choke out a small sob, on the word hurt. Colby walks up to me and holds me, as I begin to cry into his chest again. I flinch slightly as I feel him move his hand on my back. He pulls back a little and says, "look at me, I would never hurt you." I nod my head and apologize. "Don't apologize, it's okay, I love you too." He whispers almost so low, barely heard it. He knew I heard it though, he meant to say it in that tone. "Let's sit down" I say. My voice is scratchy and low from the sobbing. "Before you say anything else let's get you some tea, are you hungry?" he asks. I shake my head no. He picks up the room's phone and orders tea & chocolate almonds from room service. "It'll be here in five minutes." he says and sits next to me. While we waite I try to slow my breathing down so I can talk again. I eventually calm down enough to talk. We hear a knock on the door, Colby gets up and brings the stuff in, before shutting the door. He hands me the cup of tea and sets the chocolate covered almonds on the side table, next to the bed. "I guess, I'll just get right into it." I sigh, before I take a sip of my tea. I know Colby's waiting for me to say something, I can see the anticipation in his eyes, but concern appears the most. "When I was a baby, my birth parents died in a plane crash. I don't know much, all I know is it was their anniversary, and they left me with a babysitter. After they died I was put into a foster home, no one from my family wanted to take me in. When I turned twelve one of my uncles I never knew took me in." I begin to tear up again and my voice gets low. "He umm.. He wasn't a good uncle, or a good man. He sexually abused me and beat me when I didn't listen." I start to choke on my words, and cry. Soon I'll cry myself dry. "I'm sorry..." I barely let out. "No, Adalyn. I'm so sorry, you don't have to tell me this." "No I want to..." "So, about two months into me being under my uncle's custody he was really drunk and tried to rape me." I start to cry out. "I'm sorry hold on." He hugs me and rubs my back until I'm ready to talk again. "Thank you. Well when he tried to 'attack' me I refused and ran to the kitchen. He drunkenly grabbed and knife and slit the side of my stomach. After doing so luckily he slipped on some alcohol he spilt earlier that day, that I forgot to clean. I actually would have gotten beaten badly if he knew I hadn't cleaned it yet." My tears begin to turn into sobs, but I do my best to continue the story. "When he fell he went unconscious. I went to bed, because I didn't think much of it at the time. It turns out through the night, he choked on his own tongue and passed away." My voice begins to get scratchy, and I get tired from all the crying, but I continue. "My uncles death went undocumented, so I continued living on my own. I grew up all alone." I cry out. "Eventually things got better, when I turned 18. I got my parents will, but still I was changed. I never had a childhood." I begin to cry more and more into Colby. When I look at him I see a few tears stream down his face.

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