Distant: Chapter 35

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Colby's eyes light up. " You remember me?" he asks. I fall to the floor in tears. The flash back was of him making out with some girl. I remember the feeling. The feeling of being completely broken. It all hits me like it just happened. He bends down next to me. "Adalyn are you okay?" he asks. "Don't touch me." I cry moves back confused. "Why would you cheat on me?" I whisper. "Oh Adalyn." Tara says. I didn't even realize she was next to me. His eyes drop.  All of a sudden his eyes look completely empty. Like I'm just looking into a black distance. "I didn't mean to. Is that all you remember?" He begins to cry. Why is he crying he did this to me. I feel the cold empty distance that I see in his eyes. I feel it in my heart. Why does he feel like that. He cheated did he love me. Now I feel empty and lost. My mind begins to swim around in emptiness. It's like I'm standing in a black empty desert with nothing for miles. What's happening? "I loved you, why?" I say not having anything else on my mind. "It wasn't like that... You have to remember please." He begs, his voice soar and eyes red. Remember what is there more? I don't want to remember I just went from being perfectly happy to heart broken, over someone I don't even know. All I know is he hurt me. "Please... Adalyn... Remember me." Why is he making me feel like this. "I do. Your a cheater." I say my voice turning cold. He begins to sob. "Why do I feel kind of bad he deserves this. Why is he even so sad if he didn't love me. "He didn't love me." I whisper in a realization breaking my heart even more. "No Adalyn, I do love you, you're the love of my life." He cries. "Your putting to much on her." Tara begins to cry. "No it's not right." He whispers. "We should go home." I say. Tara helps pick me up and we walk over to my house. We leave, while Colby's still on the floor. I see him begin to get up as we leave. Why do I feel so bad, for both of us. Who is he? How could he say he loves me so easily, if he cheated? Tara brings me to my bed and I lay on my bed and just cry. I hear her leave, but I don't really care right now. I just turn around and continue to cry over a stranger who hurt me. Another flash pops up. I'm crying, and sobbing. I feel how I feel now. Then it disappears. "Owe" These flashes are giving me headaches. What are they anyways? This can't be a normal human thing. I get another flash of the lady in red. "Owe!" I yell that one really hurt. Tara comes running in.  "Are you okay?" She asks with a tear streaked face. I skip over her question knowing I feel completely empty in my heart. "Do you know a lady in red?" i ask as I hear someone else come in my room. "A lady in red? No." Tara says confused. I see Kat's face light up, but with worry instead of happiness. "Oh my God. The lady that we passed on the mountain. "The mountain. The mountain." I repeat. "I know!  I talked to her before I passed out. I don't know what about, but we were talking at the top of the mountain, then everything went black. "Adlayn no..." Kat shakes her head viciously. "What do you mean no?" I ask. "We walked beck down together. That's when you fell. We only saw her when we were going up. The only words she said to you, was that you and Colby were a good couple." "No I saw her. I know I was talking to her." I get another flash, this time it didn't hurt. She told me something she was trying to help me. Bht she said she was wrong, and that's when everything went black. There's more. I just don't remember. Can we go to the mountain?" I ask. "You just got home maybe we should waite." Tara suggest. "No. I can't I just got my heart ripped out of my chest and for some reason I feel bad for the person who did it. Please, we have to." I beg, tears streaming down my face again.

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