Distant: Chapter 58

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"If I didn't love you I wouldn't be here right now and if you loved me neither would you. You left me three fucking times to be with the same slut that cheated on you, yet I always came back. Always. And your saying I didn't or don't love you. I should have known all you are is fake promises. You never loved me. And maybe it took me being here to realize it, but even after this, guess what? I'll still love you. Because love isn't giving up or moving on after two days." I put my hands up in frustration, before starting to walk away. Colby grabs my arm. "This isn't my fault." He says. "Get the fuck off me Ryan!" I yell. As soon as the words leave my mouth I realize what I said and drop to the floor in tears. "Who the fuck is Ryan?" Colby asks with anger laced through his voice. Tara runs and kneels beside me. "I told you she was a slut." Megan says. "You need to get the fuck out." Jake says sternly. "Don't tell her what to do. She seems to be right." Colby scoffs. "What was that!" Jake says stepping up to Colby. "You heard me." Colby says standing his ground. "Jake. Please. Just. Stop. It." I beg out in tears. "Come on Addy. We have to go." He says helping to pick me up. "That's all. What are you going to find Ryan." Colby says mockingly. "Shut the fuck up. Ryan is her fucking uncle's name." Tara says before slamming the door behind us. They help me down the stairs and to the door. As we leave I hear him and Megan arguing. I know it's not my problem anymore, I know this isn't my fault, but then why do I feel like this. I hear something shatter. Instinctively, I run back up the stairs. I see Megan walking down, but I don't pay her any attention. I just run into the room. I see Colby crying on the floor. His fist is balled up and bloody. I look in front of him and to the left of me to see a broken mirror. "That's seven years of bad luck." I laugh in a soft voice. Colby looks up with glossy bloodshot red eyes. My heart still hurts for him even after everytime he hurts me. I will always still end up feeling bad for him. I guess that's just how I am. "It already started." He laughs a little. I close the door and lock it. I sit walk to his bathroom and the first aid kit along with a damp rag. I sit down on the floor next to him. "Let me see your hand." I say putting my hand out for him. "Why would you come back?" Colby asks placing his busted up hand in mine. "Because Colby when I tell someone I love them. I mean it." I clean up his hand with the damp rag, then pour some alcohol on the rag. "But I don't deserve it." He sighs. "That's not how love works Colby." I say pressing the rag against his cuts. They're pretty deep. He probably needs stitches. I hear Colby hiss at the pain. I sigh and bring his hand up and lightly kiss it. "You'll be fine. I'm gonna wrap it. It'll be good for the rest of the day, but tomorrow you'll need stitches." I say already grabbing the wrap and twisting is around his hand. I finish wrapping it and when I look up our mouths are only a breath away. He leans in and I do the same. "I can't." I say just before our lips can meet. Instead I just lean my forehead against his. "I know." He whispers back. "I know I don't deserve you, but I don't want to lose you." Colby says. I pull him into a hug as warm tears drip down my face. "You could never lose me." I say holding onto him tightly. I feel his arms wrap around my lower waist. I don't say anything, just sit there afraid of when we let go. I know this is the closest we can ever be. I know after this hug I'm going to have to tell him I want to be friends, even if I really want nothing more then to get back together and forget any of this ever happened.

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