Distant: Chapter 60

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"Oh okay I see how it is." Colby pouts as he puts the keys in his pocket. "Friends remember?" I say glancing over to him as we walk inside. "Yeah whatever." He laughs. "Your stupid." I laugh. "Stupid in love." He replies. "Gross and cheesy." I say. "That's why my name is Colby." He says making a goofy face. "Oh god please stop." I laugh. "Okay. I'm done." He laughs along with me. We get up to the front desk and I tell the lady what's wrong with Colby's hand. "Okay. Fill this out please. It may take a while, because it's not urgent, but a nurse will have you in a bit." The lady says sweetly. "Okay. Thank you." I say and we start to walk away. Colby and I sit down and I start on the paper work. "You really had to hurt your left hand." I grumble. "What?" Colby laughs. "Now I have to do all the paper work." I fake pout. "Oh. I'll do it. My hand doesn't even hurt that much." Colby says reaching for the pen. "No, I was kidding. I wouldn't make you do that." I say pulling the pen and clip board full of paper away from him. "Oh come on my princess can't do all the work." He says. I look at him trying to keep a straight face. "What, friends have nicknames." He says putting his hands up. "Not like that though." I say looking back down at the paper so he can't see me smile. "Is that a smile I see." He says putting his head in my lap and looking at me. "Colby I'm trying to do your paper work." I say trying my best not to laugh. He lifts his head. "Hm. That sounds boooringg." He laughs. "Shut up." I laugh. "Oh there's that beautiful laugh." Colby says, making me blush. "Stop it." I say looking down again. "Stop what. This." He says before tickling me on the sides of my stomach. I start dying in laughter. "Colby stop. We're in public. Stop." I say gasping for air. "Ow!" He says aloud. I immediately stop laughing. And look at him worried. "What's wrong?" I say. "I'm just kidding. I just felt a little pinch in my hand." He says. "Oh my god Colby. That's not funny." I say softly pushing him. I look down and see him start bleeding through the bandage. "Oh my God Colby." I say grabbing his hand. "It's okay I'm fine." He says, smiling like nothing. I rush through the rest of the paper work and turn it in a rush so we can hurry and get a nurse. "Adalyn calm down. I'm fine." Colby says as I sit back down next to him. I take in a deep breath. "I just want to make sure your okay. Are you sure you fine?" I ask with a worried gaze. He smiles and pulls me closer to him. "I'm fine." He says. "Okay" I say laying my head on his shoulder. "No warning on being just friends." Colby laughs. "I'll except it this time. I'm just comforting a friend." I smile looking up at him. "You better not comfort all your guy friends like this." Colby says glancing down at me. "First of all I'll do whatever I want. Second of all your my exception." I say. "Okay fair enough." He smiles. It goes quiet for a moment. "Okay, but can we at least be friends with benefits." Colby says. "What ew no." I laugh. "It was worth an ask." Colby laughs. "Your gross." I laugh. I just know if I so much ad kiss him, I'll fall helpless to the love I'm trying to push away. "Mr. Brock your nurse is ready in room 55." The lady from the front desks calls out. We both get up walk to the room. The door is open and I see a guy waiting, ready for us to come in. Colby and I walk inside. "Hello, I'm Adam." The man says. "Hello." I smile. Colby just nods his head at the man and smiles. "Can you sit there and put you hand on the little table please." Adam says motioning towards a seat. I just stand next to him. The nurse walks to the end and grabs a chair. He sits it next to Colby. "You can sit down." Adam says smiling. "Oh thank you." I say taking a seat.

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