Distant: Chapter 48

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We all laugh. I still feel a little off for some reason, but I try to act normal and laugh it off. Or I at least try to. "Are you nervous about the haunted house?" Colby whispers, pulling me closer to him. "No." I answer truthfully, for the most part. "Mhmm." He laughs, knowing I'm nervous. He just doesn't know what exactly I'm nervous about. Hell, neither do I. The line moves up and we walk inside. We walk in and I'm not gonna lie it's kind of scary. It's not scary enough, for the feeling I have though. As we continue to walk through the house I turn my head and see a familiar figure standing in front of a mirror, brushing her hair. I look a bit closer and see the lady in red. Omg it's her. My stomach drops and the feeling from earlier intensifies. I tap Colby, not taking my eyes off the woman. "It's her from the cliff." He whispers. So Colby sees her too. I start having a panic attack from the inside. I tap Tara's shoulder, but as soon as her and Jake turn around the lady turns around. "What? You scared me." Tara laughs. "You d-didn't see that." I stutter out. My breaths become short and heavy and my panicked state becomes obvious to the eye. "Omg Adalyn, what's wrong?" Tara says worried and we move along with the rest of the group we came in with. I feel tears threatening to leave my eyes. I don't answer Tara. One wrong move can lead to me sobbing tears right now. Both Colby and I stay completely quite through out the rest of the tour of the house. I just cling on Colby's arm, not letting go. After what feels like forever we finally all exit the house through the back. "What's going on? Your scaring me." Tara says concerned, once we get outside. "Yeah, what happened?" Jake asks just as concerned. "You saw her right?" I say to Colby. As soon as he nods his head yes the tears start streaming down my face. "It's okay." Colby whispers while holding onto me tightly. "Saw who?" Jake asks. I hear Colby explaining that we saw the lady in red, as I sob into his chest. Colby stands there rubbing my chest for a while and Tara and Jake stand next to me trying to comfort me as much as they can. Colby tries to comfort me with words as well, but I can hear the shakiness in his voice. I calm down enough to pull away, but not completely stop crying. "Come on we should go home for now. We can come back another time." Colby suggest. I just nod my head in agreement. "We're coming too." Jake says. We all walk to our cars. "Kay see you guys at the house." Tara says hugging me. I hug her, but don't respond back. They walk to Jake's car and I get in Colby's car. I close the door and buckle myself in, as uninvited tears continue to fall down my face. Colby pulls off and we start on our way home. I just keep thinking about what the lady said in my dreams and what it meant. I don't ever want to lose Colby. I can't, the thought alone breaks my heart. After a good 20 minutes I stop crying. "I'm sorry this happened, especially today." Colby says. "It's not your fault." I say the first words that have come out my mouth since we went inside the haunted house. He pulls up to a red light. "Yeah, but still, it hurts me even seeing you like this." He says looking at me with soft sad eyes. Looking at him, look at me like that makes my heart melt. I small soft smile appears on my face. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He says before looking away and pulling off as the light turns green. I shouldn't be so worried Colby will always own my heart no matter what. 'We'll see about that.' I hear the ladies words repeat in the back of my head, from my dream. I push the thought of her out of my head, as best as I can. The ride surprisingly seems pretty quick and before I know it, we are pulling up in Colby's driveway. We both get out the car and walk to the door. I lean my head against his shoulder as he unlocks the door.

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