Distant: Chapter 40

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"Exactly." He says you can love anyone. "What's wrong with you!?" I ask. Broken and mad. "Colby I can't love anyone. I can only ever love you, but if you want to break my heart do it. After everything I still just want you to be happy." I say before turning around. Colby pulls me back and kisses me a kiss full of every emotion in his body. I return it with the same amounts of emotion. He still loves me. I know he does, this kiss tells me. Tears stream down both of our faces as we kiss. "Why did you push me away if you loved me?" I ask once we pull away. "Because I was afraid." He admits. "Of what?" I ask. "Of you. I thought maybe you didn't really love me. Maybe I wasn't good enough to love. I was afraid of losing you, so I decided to push you away before I could have you." He whimpers the last word, causing me to do the same thing. I suck in a shaky breath and hug him. "You've always had me Colby. I know I don't remember everything and I'm sorry, but I could never lose the love I have for you." He squeezes me tighter and I swear I can feel his love seeping out from his body to mine. "I think I sobered you up." I laugh. I feel him nod his head in my neck, as he chuckles. I pull away for a moment and look down. "Colby." I say taking in a breath and continuing.  "I still don't remember everything, I can't guarantee that I ever will." I completely pull away from Colby's arms and tilt my head up, but not enough to meet his eyes. "So if your gonna leave me...Pleas just do it now." I say a tear streaming down my face. Colby puts his hands on my cheeks, and wipes the tear away with his thumb. "I could never truly leave you. My heart would never allow it." He says with a cracking voice. "Are you sure?" I ask hesitantly. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He assures me, smiling. I can feel all the emptiness and bad emotions wash away, as a smile appears on my face. I don't understand how someone can make me feel like this. How come I let him in so deep. Who is he? It doesn't matter, I know he's mine. I get another flash. "Owe!" I cry grabbing my head, before passing out in Colby's arms. "I was wrong be with him" I hear a voice say. I look around confused as I sit on a bench back at the mountain. "Who are you!" I yell out. "Your right, I was wrong" I hear a females voice repeat. "What's going on? Stop it! Wrong about what?" I ramble in confusion as tears stream down my face. I see someone walk up to me. It's a lady in red. The lady from the hospital. The lady from when I first fell. "It's you..." I say with confusion. She touches me and memories come flooding back. Everything comes all my friends, all my memories with Colby, everything. "Who are you." I cry in confusion, but joy. "What do you mean? You know who I am. I am the lady in Red. I'm truly sorry." She says before disappearing right in front of my eyes. I hear mumbles of my name and wake up, back to what I assume is reality. I see Colby, with worried eyes and hug him. "I remember you. I remember everything about you and me. I know it all" I whisper with tears streaming down my face. Colby pulls back and looks at me in excitement and disbelief, before pulling me back in and hugging me even tighter. As I'm hugging Colby I look past him and see the women from when I passed out walk away. It looked like she was thinking, but I couldn't really tell it was blurry from tears. "What happened? How?...I mean..." Colby babbles out in a speechless tone. "I can't really explain it." "Maybe we should go home first?" Colby suggest. "Yeah. Can you stay with me tonight, and we can talk about it in the morning?" I ask kind of sheepishly, while looking down. "Oh course. I'm just glad to have you back." He says, taking my hand in his. "Good I'm mentally and physically exhausted." I say with a half laugh, but mean it.

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