Distant: chapter 78

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I feel the cold water wash over me, before we both pop back up. I start laughing as Andrew let's me go. "Your definitely a bitch for that." I laugh, walking back up to the shore. He follows behind me. "It was words like that, that made me decide to dunk you. I didn't even get to take off my top clothes." I complain. "That sounds like a you problem." he laughs. "Whatever we took your car here." I laugh. "Oh shit. I didn't think this trough." He laughs. "Your stupid." I laugh out. "Shut up." He laughs. "It's fine I'll just take it off and let it dry in the sun." I say. "Oh yeah. My baby's a genius." He says picking me up and spinning me. Andrew puts me down. "Yeah and your my bitch." I laugh. "Don't think I won't throw you back in the water." Andrew laughs. "Oh hell no." I laugh running back to the group. Andrew chases after me and I run behind Tara for protection. "Help." I laugh. "Okay." She laughs. Andrew approaches us. "You touch her I break your arm." Tara says. Andrew immediately puts his hands up in surrender. Tara and I both burst out in laughter. "Your too scary." Andrew laughs. "Good." Tara smiles. "Oh Adalyn." Tara says turning towards me. "Yeah?" I ask. "I saw you guys at the sure so I grabbed your bag and placed it with my stuff." Tara says pointing to a spot by Jake. "Oh I almost forgot about my bag. Thanks baby." I say. "Your welcome my beautiful wife." She laughs. "Excuse me can I have my girlfriend back." Andrew laughs. "Sorry you may be my bitch, but I'm Tara's bitch." I laugh. "Yeah and if you ever hurt her or try to take her from me I will hunt your ass down and you'll be a goner." Tara laughs, but in a serious tone. "Note to self, don't get on your bad side." Andrew laughs. "It's okay man Adalyn made worse threats to me. She was very detailed, and I met Tara before she did." Jake laughs as he walks up to us and chimes into the conversation. "And I stand by that." I say pointing my finger at him. Jake puts his hand up in defense. "Don't worry I believe you." Jake laughs. "Oh I need to ask you something brother." I say to Jake. "Yeah what's up." He says. "Well I was going to do a beach vlog, but I don't really want to anymore. I was wondering if you and Tara would like to do a couple vs. couple video with Andrew and I?" I say actually looking around for Tara and Andrews approval too. "Yeah sounds good." They all agree. "Good, because I'm very indecisive, so if you guys said no, I didn't know what I was going to do." I laugh. We all end up just talking with everyone in the group having different conversations. I ended up taking off my shorts and shirt leaving me in my bikini as well. I sat down on my phone for a while. I saw Andrew talking to Kevin and others in the water. Our group was all spread out. I was avoiding Colby, but every once in a while I would see him. Being honest sometimes I'd be looking for him, and we even made eye contact, but I immediately looked away. Each time I looked away I felt a tear in my heart, but I tried to ignore it. I put my phone down and look around at everyone. I see Colby with Jake and Corey in the water, but I don't see Molly with him. I look to the left of me and see her sitting on her phone. I'm nit gonna lie I kind of hate her for dating Colby, but I have no reason to. I should be, I mean I am over Colby. She was nice and I feel kind of bad for low-key being a bitch earlier. I get up and walk over to her, sitting down besides her. She puts her phone down and just looks at me. "Hey. Uh. I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said earlier I was just upset at Colby, but it was really bitchy. Sorry that's all." She doesn't say anything, just looks away. I sigh and get up. "Waite I'm joking. Come back." She laughs. I didn't think that was funny, but I'm trying to be nice to I laugh along. I go back to the spot I was at. "It's okay. I know what it's like. I've said and done things like that. Some of them I regret and some I don't." I actually laugh this time. "Yeah." I nod my head in agreement.

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