Distant: Chapter 71

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"Whatever I have to get ready." Andrew pouts. "Oh yeah, back to what I called you in for. I don't know what I should wear." I say. "Anything or nothing either works." Andrew laughs out. "Ewe. First of all that's public nudity because no matter where we go we have to get there. Second of all I'm serious I don't know if the place is fancy or casual or a food truck." I say waiting then waite for him to answer. "Okay seriously just wear whatever you feel comfortable in it can be casual or fancy it won't matter. Your beautiful in anything." Andrew smiles. "Awe your so sweet, but your also no help so get out." I say with an awe tone in the first half. "Rude much." Andrew laughs. "Only to people I care about. So get out." I laugh. "Awe see I know your a softy." Andrew says. I just point to the door. "Fine." Andrew huffs out and leaves. Andrew can always make me laugh though. So could Colby, why do I keep thinking like that. It's like I can't get him out of my head no matter how many times I try. I push the thought of him out then get dressed I just decide to go with a pair of blue jeans, a black lace bralette with a black and a cropped black hoody to top it off. To give it more of a fancy like look, I pair it with some black strapped high heels. I did my make up nice and simple. It was just a casual look, but with red lip stick and a bit more highlight than usual. I never liked doing too much make up. It always looked amazing when people did it, but it was a lot of work and honestly I have no excuse, besides the fact that I'm lazy. Once I finish I walk out into the living room to see a waiting Andrew. "Wow you look good." Andrew says. "Why do you sound so surprised." I say crossing my arms. "Because I've never seen you have to try. Now that you've gotten all ready I don't want to leave, because if I see so much as one guy stare at you, I'm starting a fight." He says. "We're not dating." I say. "Whatever." Andrew says crossing his arms too and looking down. "But you look good too." I smile. Andrew looks back up. "Thank you." He chuckles. "Okay. Well shall we go? This mystery place awaits." I laugh. "Yup. Everything should be ready by the time we get there." Andrew says, checking his phone. "Okay now I'm really anxious. Let's go." I say already walking towards the door. Andrew grabs his keys off the counter and follows behind me. We down the elevator then out to his car. "Ooo. I'm excited." I smile, while getting into the passenger seat. "Good." Andrew smiles back. He starts the car then drives off. I connect an ox cord to my phone and turn on some music as we drive to our destination. "We'll be here in two minutes, so I need you to put this on." Andrew says, glancing over to me and handing me a blindfold. "Seriously." I complain. "Yeah hurry up." Andrew says as he pulls up to a stop light. "Ugh fine." I say before putting it on. "Can you see anything?" Andrew asks. "Nah, this blindfold is magical I can see all of L.A. in these." I laugh out sarcastically. "Okay good." Andrew says, ignoring my comment. I may not be able to see, but I could tell he was trying not to laugh. We finally pull up to the place we are supposed to be. "Waite for me to come around." I hear Andrew say, followed by the sound of his door opening and closing. With in seconds I hear my door open. I feel him unbuckle me then help me out of the car. I waite for him to close and lock the door before he grabs my hand and we take a few steps. We stop again and I can hear him unlocking a door. "Oh my god Andrewwwww. Can I take off this stupid blindfold already." I beg. "Just waite a few more seconds." He says giving my hand a quick squeeze. I hear the door open and a bell bing as he leads me inside. The door closes and finally I hear what I've been waiting for. "Okay you can take the blindfold off." Andrew says, letting go of my hand.

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