Distant: Chapter 20

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I immediately jump up. As I come up I see Colby dunk his head under the water then pop up. "Wow that waters really cold." "Imagine how I feel you just dropped me in there with no warning." "Hey you slapped my ass." "And so you dropped me that's not right." "Whatever. Let's go deeper in." I start bursting out in laughter. "What?!" "I can't breathe." I barely laugh out. "Oh. I meant in the water." "Obviously, but still." "Just come." "Really, Colby stop it. I can't breathe." I say with laughs every second and gasping for air. Colby begins to laugh along with me. "To. The. Water." "You know what I mean stop laughing." I can't stop laughing. I'm damn near wheezing at this point. Colby picks me up. "Throwing me in the water won't work this time. My body's used to the temperature. He pulls me to him, mind you mid laugh, and kisses me. I don't even have time to react. As soon as I feel his lips press against mine. I stop laughing real quick and lips react almost as if it's what there meant to do. We pull away from each other.  "Well if you shut me up like that. I should laugh more often." I say with a smile, ironically making Colby laugh. "Let's swim for a while, then we can go home, yeah?" "Yeah." Colby and I swim and mess around in the water for a while before getting out and drying off. "Let's go home. We have have popcorn. We can shill the rest of the night." "Colby it's almost three  in the morning. You realize that right?" "Yeah so..." "Good point let's go. I slip on my vans, grab my clothes and bag and Colby and I head back up the hill. "Waite" I say to Colby as we get to the top. He stops and I pull my phone out my phone. I go up to him and snap a photo. He was totally off guard and you can tell in the photo, but somehow he looked like a whole model and that was just the look he was going for. I turn to him, "That's not faire you get to look like a model from any angle to matter what you do." I say with a pout. "What do you mean, you look like amazing in this photo." "That's only cuz I was trying." I complain. "You don't have to try, believe me." He says kissing my cheek. "Gross, that was way too cheesy, I think I'm lactose intolerant now." "Let's just go." We walk down the bottom of the hill, which is about thirty feet away from the car. "I'll race you!" I yell out. "Your on", he says running to the car. I sprint to the car and barely beat him. "You cheaaated." He says with a laugh as he gets into the car. I get into the passenger seat and close the door. "Your just mad you lost to me twice in one day." "What... I can't hear you." Colby says while turning up the music. *cough cough, loser* "what did you say?" "Nothing" "That's what I thought." He says. "I thought you couldn't hear me." "No one likes a smart mouth." "But you love me." I say with puppy eyes. "You got me there." He says in defeat. Sooner or later we end up back in the driveway of Colby's house. I unbuckle myself and put my hand on the door handle, when I hear Colby yell waite, scaring the shit out of me. "What?" I ask. Were not wearing much clothing." Oh yeah, how did I forget that. Oh my God and we drove home like that. How am I so stupid to just have realized this. "Okay luckily your a fast runner so as soon as I open and close the door we sprint to my room. It's around three-twenty so no one is up, probably." "Sounds like a plan." I agree. We run to the door. Colby opens it and closes it. We run up to his room. "Okay so do you want to change and make that popcorn?" he asks. "Actually I'm turn can we just turn on YouTube and go to sleep." "Yeah, that's fine." He puts on a random video on his t.v. that neither of us were really paying attention to. We just snuggled up in his bed and fell asleep in the same position.

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