Distant: chapter 83

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I pull the sheets down and lay in bed. Colby gets in next to me. He holds on to me and we just lay there. Not sleeping, not talking, just laying in the comforts of one another's arms. This is only the third time I've ever laid in this bed. Just about every night I slept in the comforts of Andrew and being here with Colby feels safe. It feels like I don't have to let that go. Like Andrew's still holding a piece of my heart. "What am I gonna do now?" I sigh breaking the silence. "What do you mean?" Colby asks, pulling me even closer against him. "You know. I was the only person on his emergency contacts. I remember when he asked me about it. His parents passed away about two years ago. When he told me he was making me his new emergency contact. I didn't really get why so I asked, he told because he's the only person he wanted to let in to be apart of his entire world, besides his parents." A singular tear falls down my face, and I'm convinced it's because I'm all out of them. Colby kisses my cheek. "He really did love you. He seemed like a good guy." I just nod my head. "He loved me, like you love me and I love you." I sigh. "Oh Adalyn. I know this is hard." Colby says, brushing his fingers through my hair. I relax at his touch and close my eyes. "I'm gonna miss him, but I won't forget him." I say with my eyes still closed. "Good." Colby whispers. "I'm going to sleep." I yawn. "Me too." Colby yawns back. I slightly open my eyes just long enough to tilt my head up and softly kiss Colby, before I fall asleep. I have sweet dreams throughout the night. Just like memories of Andrew. The two of us laughing and hanging out. I wake up in the middle of the night, thinking of the videos I have on my SD card in my camera. I think about looking at it, but remember once again that Tara has my bag. I look over to Colby, still peacefully sleeping. I slip out of his arms and get out of bed. I just walk around the apartment thinking of Andrew.  I wad actually there when he wrote his will. I thought it was so stupid of him to make it so early, but he always said anything could happen and he was right. I walk into his room and look on the stand by his bed. It's a phot of both of us eating pizza. Tara took it when the three of us went out to lunch. The smiles on our faces were so big and genuine. Then I open the drawer and look at the copy of his will while sitting on his bed. Literally all it said that I can have anything I want of his, abd everything else is to be donated to a list of organizations for people in need. I set the will down then pick the photo up again and kiss it. "You were an angel then and an angel now." I whisper looking up, as a few tears stream down my face. I wipe them away and set the photo on the bed. I'm not gonna take any of his items just a few personal or sentimental items. I'll get that in the morning though. I leave the room, closing it behind me and go back to my room. I sneak back into Colby's arms and he tightens his grip around me as a smile appears on his face, while he sleeps. I just lay there thinking, until I fall asleep again. The next morning I wake up and turn toward Colby. He's already wake and he smiles down on me as I turn to face him. "Good morning." I yawn. "Good morning." He says softly smiling. "Ready to start the day." I sigh, with Andrew still on my mind. "It'll be okay. You have me by your side and I be here the whole way." Colby says, looking into my eyes. I just smile at him, while my heart melts at every word that just came out of his mouth. "I promise." He whispers. I shake my head and look at him. "No. No more promises. No more letting go, leaving, or pushing away. I can't lose you this time. Don't promise me you won't leave. Just do it. Stay by my side every step of the way, to where ever the hell where going. It doesn't matter where as long as we're together." As each word falls out my math I feel a tear fall along with it. "Always and forever." Colby says, taking in a sharp breath. I think to keep from crying himself.

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