Distant: Chapter 7

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The tables we sat at were spread out, so we could only really talk to the person we were with. Being honest I didn't mind that too much though. A new waitress came to our table to get our orders. I didn't really know what to order, so I just got a basic hamburger, with some fries and a pink lemonade. The waitress turned toward Colby and asked him what he'd like. I could tell she was low-key flirting with him, even though he was literally sitting at a table of two with me sitting right there. I think I'm starting to get jealous, okay Adalyn just chill. I put a smile back on my face, it may not have been too real at the moment, but I'm good at faking it by now. Even though I was smiling, somehow I think he knew it was fake. Colby smirked and responded with, "I'll get the same thing as my girlfriend." The waitress' smile fades for a moment, before putting a fake one back on her face. "Okay, that will be coming right out." She says before walking away. As she walked away I started to laugh a bit, I tried so hard to hold it in, but it was too hard. After she was a good few feet away Colby began to laugh along. "I can't believe you really just did that to the poor waiter." Why though? I wonder. "Would you prefer I flirted back," he asks. "I guess not" I mumble, while looking down. "Look, I could tell you were getting jealous so I said something." I shot my head up. "How?" I ask genuinely curious. "No matter how hard you try to hide it, you show your true emotions through your eyes. I know it because I do the same thing." "I know" I admit, while sighing. "The day I met you, when we were in the car, I could see it in your eyes too." "Wow.." He states. "I like you more and more, by the moment." I can't help, but to blush at his sweet words. "Stop it." I say in a shy tone, while looking down again. The lady comes back with the food and drinks, we both thank her, then she walks off. After she leaves we begin to eat and continue talking. We really spend most the time getting to know more and more about each other. It begins to feel like I've known him my whole life and with everything he tells me I begin to fall for him more and more. Oh God, what's happening. "Um.. Colby I'm gonna go to the bathroom.""Okay, no problem." As I walk to the bathroom I text Tara if she can meet me there. 'Yeah I'll be there in 2 minutes' she responds. Okay great I hurry to the bathroom and less than a minute later Tara walks in. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks. "Oh nothing I just need to tell you something..." "Let me guess, you really like Colby." "How'd you know?" "Adalyn I know you." "It's just I mean he's goofy, fun, yet serious, when it's important, he's really cute, and most importantly he's sweet and seems to understand me." "Then why are you here talking to me. Go Get Your Man Girly." Tara laughs out. "Okay, just never say that again." I say with a laugh. "Deal." We both laugh then go back to our tables. I sit back down and look at Colby. "So you like me, huh?" Colby asks with a smirk. What the hell it's like he has telekinesis or something. I know he doesn't have powers though because with some of the things I've thought I'd be in trouble a long time ago. Hmm... I don't want to seem obvious or desperate. Oh I got it. "Sorry, I saw your music video, and I'm. not really into cowboys" I laugh out. "What about emo ones?" "I'll tell you what, let's go dance if you impress me enough, then I'll consider it." "Fine, but if you become embarrassed it's not gonna be my fault.

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