Distant: Chapter 13 (Adalyn's P.O.V.)

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We pull up to the house. I unbuckle myself and lean over the armrest and peck Colby on the lips. "I can't waite for tomorrow, love." I say before going to the house. Before getting my keys, I see Colby pull out of our drive way and into his own. That man really does drive me crazy. I can't waite to see what's in store for tomorrow. I begin to fish around in my purse for my keys, until I finally find them and open the door. As soon as I walk in. I hear Tara call out my name. "Yeah it's me!" I yell back. All the girls come rushing out to the front even Kat and Devyn. "Hey guys..." I say low-key kinda scared. "No time for 'heys'. What happened yesterday?", Kat asks in excitement. "Already, can't I at least put my stuff down first." "Nope" Ava laughs. I push past them and walk into my room to put my stuff down. I walk back out into the kitchen and get a cup of water. As I prepare my glass I see all the girls occupying the seats by the counter. "Soooo... What happened?" Tara exclaims. "You're even wearing his sweater?" Ava laughs. I just look at them while drinking my water, waiting for them to let me talk. "Did you guys do it?" Jane blurts out in excitement. I choke on my water and almost spit it out, while the girls laugh. "Okay guys, just let me talk." All the girls immediately get quite. "Go on..." Devyn says. "First things first. No we did not do it." I laugh out. The girls all exaggerate an 'aww' of disappointment. "However, we are dating." They all squeal in happiness. "I knew it!" Ava yelled out. We all laugh. "We both just talked about our lives and opened up to each other. That's all. Now that I think about it I did most the opening up though." "That's okay though, I'll let him talk more about himself tomorrow." "What's tomorrow?" Devyn asks. I smirk. "Oh nothing." "Adalyn Rebecca Sanchez, you better tell us right now." Jane says in a semi-demanding tone. "Not with that attitude." I say before turning away to put my cup in the sink. "Okay fine, sorry, but you know, I'm extra." "Whatever, tomorrows nothing's happening tomorrow anyways." They all stare at me with dead straight faces. "Okay geez."  "Tomorrows is our first official date." I squeal out. The girls all jump up in excitement. "Now that you know, it's almost 3  we need to go get snacks and drinks for movie night." "Kay let's go. Is it cool if we take our cars?" Tara asks.  "Yup, let's go." *time skip to after we go to the store and come back* We come back around five with like seven bags of snacks and drinks. We really go all out for movie night, chips, candy, popcorn, soda, white claws, we got it all. We arrive at the house. We actually decided we would have movie night with the guys, while in the stor. We wanted to be good friends and share this amazing experience with them. That's what we told them anyways, the main reason, was because they had something we didn't. Downstairs the boys had a giant theater like room. I'm actually low-key jealous about it. Don't get me wrong though we do want to hang out with the guys, there's just a little more to it. Me and the girls walk over to the guys house with all the stuff. I text Colby to open the door, while the girls and I cross the street, that way we can just walk in. I see Sam open the door as we walk up the pathway to the door. "Is Colby really that lazy?" I mumble to myself with a laugh. We all file inside the house, then put the stuff down on the counter. Sam tells us he also ordered pizza as we walk in. "Perfect." Kat tells him, before kissing his cheek. They are honestly so cute together. The guys all walk into the kitchen and everyone exchanges 'hellos'. We send the guys down to chose a good movie while we set up the snacks. We finish setting everything up, so I call the guys to come help bring everything to the movie room.

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