Distant: Chapter 9

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Through out the day we went on all the rides at least twice. The day was honestly amazing, it was actually my first time going to Disney land. Well actually I went once when I was baby, but I don't remember it. That was along time ago when I had a family to go with. It saddens me, just thinking about the childhood I should of had, but couldn't. "Hey, are you okay?" I hear Colby ask. We barely met, but I can tell how much he truly cares about me, possibly more than any other guy I've ever met. "Yeah. I'm fine." I lie to him as I face away. "Stop lying, look in my eyes." My eyes start to tear up. I try to hold it in, but it just stings my eyes even more. "I can't." I say with a strained and staggered voice. Colby engulfs me with a warm hug. "Shh... it's okay. You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to." Colby comforts me a little longer, before I fully stop crying. I look up at him and thank him. "Come on, we should catch up to the group." I suggest. We catch up to the group and begin to walk out of Disney land. I want to tell Colby everything, but I don't want to start crying again, especially not in front of everyone. I look up and see Colby talking to Tara and Jake, so I walk up to them. Tara looks at me. "Ooo looks like Colby wants some alone time with you." She says before winking. I laugh a little, not really even thinking about the joke, because I know why he really wants to be alone. I'm glad it will be just us though, that'll make it easier to talk to him at least. "Okay I'll see you at the house" I say to her and Jake, before hugging them and going with Colby. Colby and I get into the car. I have a feeling this is going to feel like a long hour, unlike our ride here. As we get in, I immediately look out the window at the purple-ish sky. "It looks really beautiful." Colby says in a soft voice, as he starts the car. I look at him with a sad smile. "Yeah" I say in such a low voice, I doubt he heard me. We begin to drive home and it's awkwardly silent. I look over to him, while lost in my thoughts and and a tear streams down my face. He glances over to me, then back to the road. I look down trying not to cry even more. I see a hand filled with rings being placed on my lap, through my blurry vision. "It's okay," he whispers out, while rubbing his thumb on my thigh. "Thank you..." I whisper before choking out a sob. All of a sudden tears start flowing down my checks uncontrollably. Colby looks at me with concern in his eyes and pulls off of the freeway. "What are you doing?" I barely choke out. He pulls over in front of a hotel. "Come we can stay here for the night. I'll text Sam and tell him to let the girls know too." I nod, and open the door. I unbuckle myself, feeling weaker than ever. I try to get out the car, but my legs wobble and I fall to my knees. Colby runs over and helps me up. I feel so helpless and like a complete nuisance. "I'm so sorry." I continue to sob out to Colby. "Whatever it is, it's not your fault." He comforts me. He holds me for a moment longer before we head into the hotel. I keep my head down while Colby gets us a room. I wasn't paying much attention to the conversation. That was until I heard, "Sorry, we only have rooms with one bed left." I look up at the receptionist. I probably look a mess right now, make-up running, puffy eyes, and everything. He gives me a sympathetic look. I hate that, I hate when people look at me like I'm a charity case or, like there's something wrong with me and I need their help. Right now I'm too weak to even say anything though, so I just look down again. Colby asks if the bed is at least a queen size. The receptionist tells him yes, so Colby gets the room and we start to go there. The room was on the top floor of the hotel, so we go into the elevator. It is silent all the way up to the fifth floor, but it was a comforting silence.

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