Distant: Chapter 53

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I snap out of my thoughts. "Oh yeah sorry. You can continue." I say looking at Noah. "I just wanted to say I miss you." Noah says. "Awe I missed you to. We used to be best friends. I'm glad it's like nothing changed." I smile. "Well about that." He says. "What?" I ask worried. "Well the day we stopped hanging out my heart broke. I missed having you around. I even ended up breaking up with the girl I thought I loved. It turns out I loved you I think I still love you." Noah says. "You what? No. Stop it." I say feeling frantic. "Adalyn I love you please what do you say." Tears start streaming down my face. "No. Stop. You let me go and I found someone I love." I say shaking my head as tears fall. "I need you to leave. I beed to find Colby." I say. "Adalyn please." Noah says with sympathetic eyes. "We can be friends again and that's all." I say as more tears fall down my face. Noah leans in and kisses me. "What the fuck!?" I hear Colby's deep voice. "Your fucking me?" I say pushing him off. Colby comes storming up and turns Noah around before punching him. I hear a crack and see Noah's noise bleed. Noah swings back, but misses and a fight breaks out. "You guys stop it!" I hear colby connect another punch. "PLEASE! Stop Colby." I beg my voice crackled and my vision blurry. I wipe my tears trying to see, but tears constantly stream down my face. I run in the middle and grab Colby's hand continuing to beg him to stop. As soon as he sees me he stops. "I can't believe you. Don't even talk to me." Colby says. I hear his voice crack a little, but I can hear he meant it. He roughly pulls away from me and storms off. "Colby waite." I beg and start to go after him, but I feel someone pull my arm back. "Adalyn waite." I hear Noah's voice. I then hear the door slam and realize it's to late for me to go after Colby. I snatch my arm away from him. "No Noah. I loved you since I was five years old up to just a few months ago." "Ad..." I hear Noah start to talk, but I cut him off. "No shut up I'm not done." I continue as tears stream down my face. "I loved you because I thought you saved me, but you didn't. When I told you I loved you. You left me. You left me and let my uncle continue to abuse me. You left me to get with my abusive ex without ever coming back. You used me like my uncle and everyone else. You used me just like everyone, except Colby and now you fucked that up for possibly ever. Even if you saved me in the past. You just caused my whole life to walk out on me. NEVER FUCKING TOUCH ME OR TALK TO ME EVER AGAIN. You need to leave me the fuck alone." I cry out. "But Adalyn." Noah let's out. "Get the fuck out." I cry and fall to my knees.  I feel my eyes get completely blurry again as tears stream out of my eyes. I feel someone put there arms around me to help me up. Sure enough it's Tara and Jake. I remember this feeling from Colby's room a while back. This time it's different though. This time it's all my fucking fault and this time he was really mad. What if it's over. Why is there always something wrong, with the one person I truly love. I knew this would happen. It was going so well. It's all my fault. I Fuck EVERYTHING up always. I sob and sob as we make it into Jakes room. "Parties over everyone out!" I hear Sam yell from down stairs. "Adalyn." Jake says in a soft voice. "Please guys. Can you just leave me alone." I barely let out. "Okay. Just don't do anything stupid." Tara says understandingly. Then she and Jake get up. There's nothing I could possibly fuck up more. I just lay my down. My head is pounding in pain. They both leave and close the door. I can hear murmurs down stairs, but I don't pay attention I'm just lost in my thoughts. I soon fall asleep, but only to have nightmares.

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