Distant: Chapter 16

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I went to bed thinking of Colby, and what he might have in mind for tomorrow. I honestly couldn't really sleep because of how excited I was. Sure enough I did end up falling asleep around three in the morning though. I set my alarm, for eight so I would only get around five hours of sleep, but that's an hour more than usual anyways. I began to dream about Colby and our friend group. We all lived in our houses, but it was back in Hawaii, we were on the beach and all having so much fun. I began to stare at Colby and his perfectly defined abs. He's sees me staring at him and comes up to me. "Watcha looking at?" "The love of my life I respond." All of a sudden I hear a loud annoying blearing, waking me up from my sleep. No, no, no it was just getting good. I think to myself with a pout. I check my phone then realize I have nothing to be upset about. Today is my first date with Colby. Okay first I need to shower. I go to the small-ish bathroom in my room and prepare to shower. I turn on my music before undressing and begining my shower. I let the hot water hit me as I get lost in my thoughts for a short moment. "No time for that Adalyn, you have to get ready." I whisper to myself.
I do everything I need to, wash myself of course, shave, wash my hair and etc... I get out and dry my body before putting on a velvet sugar lotion I got from bath and bodyworks. I decide I'll pair it with my paris amour perfume once I change. I put on a matching set bra and pair of underwear before blowdrying and straightening my hair. I finish my hair and check my phone.  I see a text message from Colby, saying to wear something kind of casual that I won't get hot in he also asks if I can be ready by 12:30.  I text him back 'yup' and put my phone down. It's nine now, so that only gives me three hours. I chose my outfit and spray my perfume, before walking out into the living room. The girls all compliment me and cat whistle making me blush. "Umm Devyn, can you do my make-up I'm no where as good as you." I chuckle a little. "Awwe. Yeah of course Addy." Hmm... Addy. I like that. I smile and all the girls and I go to my room. About an hour later Devyn finishes my make-up. (Outfit and make-up in my story on ig) I check the time and it's only eleven giving me an hour and a half left. During that time the girls and I chatted.  We made jokes, talked about what might happen on the date, talked about how much I like Colby, and the funny things the guys do. Before I knew it, it was time to go. I say bye to the girls and they wish me luck, before I grab my purse and walk out to Colby standing by his car. "Hey, you ready to go?" He says with a huge smile. "Yup." I smile back, as I get into the car. "So where are we going?" "It's a surprise." "Nooo.. I hate surprises." I whine. "Really?" He asks surprised. "No I actually love them, but I hate waiting." I say with a small giggle at the end. "Ha same, but this ones worth the waite." I turn to him and begin to stare without even thinking about it.  I begin to admire his outfit in my head. He's wearing black jeans with a silver chain similar to mines and a short sleeved mainly white button up shirt, with a king of diamonds card design on it. The outfit was really simple, but looked nice on him. I also noticed a hint of cologne mixed in with his natural scent making him smell amazing.  Colby finally noticed me staring and asked me about it. "No reason, you just look great." I answer. "Believe me you look way better, It's hard for me to even want to keep my eyes on the road. The only reason I am is because I would never want to make a scratch on your beautiful face." Okay now he's making me blush.

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