Distant: Chapter 76

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"Okay Tara I'll call you back in a little bit when we get to the beach." I say. "Okay I'll see you in a little bit." She smiles. "Oh and Tara no one else know yet about Andrew and I. I'm just gonna tell them at the beach. I just thought you should know first. Well you and Jake." I laugh. "Oh okay got it. Love you Addy I'll see you at the beach." She smile. "Love you too. I'll see you there." I smile and kiss the camera then hang up the phone. Tara and Jake are and always will be my lifelines. I put my phone down and decide to pull out my camera and tripod. I ask Andrew if it's cool if it's okay if I record. He says yeah so I set it all up then press record. "Hey guys. I'm back... And I'm with my wonderful boyfriend." I smile and face the camera to him. He just smiles, keeping his eyes on the road. "See a true cutie." I laugh, before turning the camera back to me. "But anyways were going to the beach today. Peep the fit." I say. "We're going to go with the whole gang, you already know, Tara, Jake, Kat, Corey, Sam, Kevin, Reggie.... And etcetera, you get the point." I say, not even wanting to mention Colby. "Babe were almost there." Andrew says. I look over to him and smile then look at the camera. "Okay guys well I'm gonna text Tara then when we get there I'll actually so you my whole outfit and swim suite. Andrew say by to your new family." I say. "Byeeee." He smile. "Okay guys comment down below Bye Adalyn's new bitch." I laugh and turn to Andrew. His jaw drops open and I start dying. "I'm just kidding guys. I'll see you at the beach." I say then stop recording. "Wow okay Adalyn. Remember that when I through you into the water." Andrew laughs. "Nooo. I was just joking please don't." I laugh. "Too late. You won't expect it, but it's gonna happen." He say as he drives down the street looking for a parking spot. "That's not fair." I complain. "It's your fault you and that damn mouth." Andrew laughs. "Shut up moments ago, you wanted nothing but my damn mouth." I laugh. "That's not true I wanted all of you." He says, finally finding a spot and parking. "Stop that. It's too late to be talking to me about that." I say blushing. He looks over to me. "So your thinking about it. I mean it. I'll take you on right here right now." Andrew says in a low voice. As tempting as that sounded, I pushed that feeling down. "Ewe no. We're in public let's go." I say. "That did not sound convincing." He says looking into my eyes. "Stop that." I laugh. "Okay fine." He says. I lean over and kiss him. "I love you." I say. His little pout goes away real quick. "I love you too." He says. We both get out the car and I text Tara, asking where we're meeting. She texts me back and I tell Andrew, just so we both know where to head. I pull out my camera one more time and Andrew helps me film my outfit, before I put it away for now. Andrew wraps his arm around my shoulders and we start walking to where everyone's meeting. I get another text from Tara telling me to hurry up because everyone's already there. I text her back saying we'll be there in less than two minutes then put my phone in my bag. The closer we get I feel my nerves start eating away at me. And all because I'm about to see Colby for the first time. Then I think about him being with another girl and my stomach twists in on itself. "You okay?" Andrew asks me. "Yeah." I smile, but not as big and bright as usual. "You sure he asks kind of concerned." He says stopping. I stop with him. "Yeah of course." I lie. It actually hurt me lying like that, buy I'm not about to tell my current boyfriend that I'm nervous about seeing my ex with someone else. I don't even have anything to worry about I have Andrew. I put a more real smile on my face and tighten my grip around Andrew's waist. He looks down at me and his smile is restored to. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He replies with a smile as we start walking onto the sand and toward everyone. I meant that I love Andrew, so why do I still feel so nervous about Colby. I try to push it away, but it's way harder to do this time.

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