Distant: Chapter 31

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We all go over to Sam and look at the bench he is pointing at. On the bench there is a carving that says 'The Lady In Red'. It's really neat and looks kind of like an old fancy handwriting. "Do you think that lady wrote it?" I ask. "Maybe, but that would be extremely hard to make it that nice, especially because it's carved." Sam says, a little shaken. I can't blame him, I think we're all a little freaked out. "Even if it was her, why would she call herself the lady in red, instead her name, or initials, or I don't know? It just doesn't make sense." Colby says kind of frantically.  I look at Colby in the eyes, before hugging him trying to calm him down a little bit. He looks back at me with a small soft smile. "I think it's time to go," Kat says. "Yeah let me just grab my bag, by the tree." I say in agreement. I jog over to tree to grab my stuff and right above it I see writing. "You guys should come here." I say with a shaky voice. Everyone comes running over and I read the words on the tree. "Forget him, he doesn't deserve you." "Where did this come from? I swear this wasn't there before." I say my voice begining to crack and a few teats falling down my face, from how scared I am. "Come on, let's go." Colby says, while helping me get up. I put my small backpack on and take in a quivery breath. Colby holds onto me for a moment to comfort me, before we start back down.  We walk down the mountain trail all feeling scared. I see someone, who looks like the lady from earlier further down. "You guys is that..." My voice trail off while I squint my eyes. "Omg. We need to leave now. Something isn't right!" Kat says worried. Just then the wind picks up and I trip over something. I fall over the side a few feet down, hitting the hard ground. I hear everyone yell and I think run down I don't know I can feel my mind getting hazy and falling in and out of consciousness. Next thing I know I'm sitting on the bench at the top of the mountain next to the lady in red from earlier. "It's time to forget him. He's to capable of hurting you. He already hurt you, he'll do it again. Don't die from his mistakes." She says. "Who Colby?" I say confused, and tears streaming down my face. "Yes, he cheated, he'll do it again. I'm doing this to protect you. It happened to me. I died from a broken heart." "Are you crazy you dead!? What's going on, where's Colby?" "I'm doing this to protect you. You should forget him." She repeats. "Colby would never hurt me again. He's the lobe of my life." I unintentionally admit. "He's the love of my life." I repeat to myself. I hear mumbled voices. "Addy! Love! Answer me please." Colby? "Where is that coming from?" I cry out to the lady. "We need to go to the hospital." I hear. "Hospital? What's going on?" I cry, but the lady won't say anything. "Could I have been wrong?" She whispers. "About what?" I continue crying out. "I'm sorry... I'll leave whatever's left." "What?" I hear the faint voice again. "It's okay baby." "Whose voice is that? What's happening?" I ask the lady with a scratchy voice and tear filled eyes. "It's to late." She says with worried eyes before disappearing. What's to late. Whose unfamiliar voice do I keep hearing. "Adalyn..." I faintly hear, from a females voice. I know that voice.  It's someone I'm close to. Who is that. It's on the tip of my tongue. I vaguely hear to other voices frantically talking. I have no clue of who they are though. I only sort of memorize the girls voice, but I can't put my finger on it. Omg it's Kat. Kat I yell, but just hear the echo of my voice in response. All the voices disappear and everything goes black.

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