Distant: chapter 3

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"Oh you can meet everyone else on your own." she replies."Wait. What? Oh my God...Are you dating Kevin." "No." That was the most fake no I have ever heard. "Stop lying" I say. "Okay fine, were kind of talking." "Ooooooo", I tease her. "Shut up you seem to have a thing for Colby." "Hey! I do not..." "Mhm..." She responds. Okay maybe he's a little cute, but it's no big deal." "Ooooo" she mimics me. "Shut up, I'm leaving." "Your secrets safe with me!" She yells as I walk away. She's so embarrassing. I walk up to Jake and Tara. "Hey Adalyn, how are you?" Jake greets me. "I'm good I missed you." I respond. Jake is probably the only guy I know here, besides Colby. I met Jake the same day as Tara and he quickly became a good friend of mine. I love him, he and Tara make the best couple I know. You can tell they love each other from the way they look at one another to the way they act. I couldn't be happier for them. I snap out of my thoughts. "Okay guys, well I'm going to go mingle and talk to some people. Call me if you need anything." "Yeah for sure", Tara says. With that I walk away. Through out the little party I get to know everybody. They are all great, and they all seem so sweet. Not playing favorites, but I met two girls, named Katrina or Kat and Devyn. I absolutely love them, they have amazing personalities. I can't waite to be apart of this, well, friend group and have adventures with them. If I'm being honest I never had a big group of friends before, because I never opened up to much. It doesn't matter anymore though, moving to L.A. is about change so that's what's gonna happen. Now's a perfect time to open up to a few more new friends. As time goes on, it's almost midnight and the only people still here are Ava,Jane, Tara, Devyn, Kat, Sam, Colby, Corey, Jake, and I. "Okay guys I think it's time to go home, we have to film tomorrow. Girls your welcome to come film tomorrow if you want, were just doing skits and stuff," Sam says. Colby and Jake both nod and walk up to Sam. "You want to stay with me tonight Kat? It's kind of late."Sam asked. "Yeah sounds good," she responds. "Actually your right Sam." I ask Devyn if she would like to stay over. She nods in agreement. "Great," I reply. The boys leave along with Kat and the rest of decide to just change into pajamas then meet back in the living room to watch a movie. As I walk into my room I remember I totally left almost all my stuff in Colby's trunk. It's okay I'll just get it tomorrow. That means I don't really have any comfortable clothes to sleep in though. I walk to Tara's room and ask if she has anything. She hasn't unpacked everything yet, but she had a large shirt to lend me. She tossed it and I thanked her before going back to my room. I don't even have shorts. Fuck it I'm just gonna sleep in my underwear, a sports bra and the shirt, it's only girls anyways. We all meet back out in the living room and after about ten minutes of searching we decide to watch 'The Shining'. Eventually we all fall asleep spread out around the living room before even finishing the movie. *time skip to the morning* I feel something ice cold hit my body and I jump up out of my sleep. I look around to see all the guys from next door laughing and all the girls soaked and awake. Omg how did you guys get in here. Jake lifts up a key. "Jake I gave you that for emergencies!" Tara yells. I see Kat with the Camera. "Kat how could you betray us?" I whine. "Sam made me," she says defensively. "WELCOME TO THE PRANK WARS!" The boys yell. "Oh it's on. House vs. House." I says in a motivated tone.

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