Distant: chapter 43

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"Oh nothing, I'll tell you about it later." I do plan on telling him, I just don't know how much yet. "Okay" he says trustingly. What am I even thinking I should tell him everything, it's not like I have anything to hide. 'Then why do you feel so bad?' My subconscious asks me. I'm just scared I think. I don't want to lose Colby. I already almost lost him twice. I refuse to do it again, I couldn't do it again, I love him too much. "You okay?" I hear Colby whisper, as he rubs my arm. "What. Oh yeah." I say. "Are you sure your eyes say other wise." He says staring at me in concern. I hadn't noticed, but a tear seemed to have fallen down my face at the thought of losing Colby. Good thing no one else was paying attention, but of course Colby paid attention. Colby always paid attention to what I was doing. I don't even get how. I feel like I'm so boring. I wipe my face and meet Colby's worried gaze. "Really I'm fine. I just love you." I reply truthfully. "Okay." He replies hugging me. "Do you want to go out for lunch? I didn't eat a big breakfast." I say. "Hey. I made breakfast though." He protest. "Yeah, but I'm still hungry. I thought you cooked." I say. "Hey that's not fair. If I cooked, you'd probably be eating charcoal, and I thought cereal sounded better. Plus I made your favorite." He protest. "I suppose, but I'm hungry again, abs by the time I get ready, I'll be angry if we aren't going to get food." I say. "Okay, fine. We can't have that." He says getting up. I grab his hand and get up too. "We should get ready at my house." Colby says as we walk to my room. "Why?" I ask. "Because it's empty right now." He laughs. "Okay let me just grab my stuff." I agree. I grab everything and decide to just put it in a bag, because it's kind of a lot. We leave the room and say bye to everyone before we leave. I hug everyone and say my goodbyes. I get to Kevin abd hug him. "I'm glad to have you back." He says while hugging me. "Thank you. I am too." I reply with a smile before letting go. I really love this whole friend group. I return to Colby, whose waiting at the door. We leave and walk over to his house. We go inside and he closes the door behind us. "Wow it feels so empty. I think I hear a slight echo." I say aloud. "Let's find out." He says. "What do you m..." Colby pulls back his hand and slaps my ass hella hard, before I can even finish my sentence. "Ow! You bitch that hurt!" I laugh and punch his arm softly. "Damn. I felt that sting on my hand hand." He laughs. "Imagine how my ass feels you dipshit." I laugh. "I would love to." He smirks. "Oh yeah." I say pressing into him and learning forward. "Yeah." He says in a now deep voice. "Well..." I say as he leans further in. I pull back and start running. "Well you can feel my pain now!" I yell behind me while putting the middle finger in the air. I run with my bag of things to the main bathroom. "That's really messed up!" I hear him yell. "Well you shouldn't hit so hard!" I yell back through the door. I just hear Colby's cute laugh in return. I turn on the shower and start to get ready for the day (Outfit is on Ig story). By the time I finish getting ready it's almost 12:30. I walk out and see Colby already dressed and ready to go. "Oh how long have you been waiting?" I ask, feeling kind of bad for making him have to waite at all. "Don't worry I just finished." He assures me. "Okay." I smile. He wraps his arm around my waist and we leave. "So where do you want to go?" I ask. "Ummm..." he contemplates as we walk to the car. "Please I can't eat another plate of tender greens or Taco bell this week though." I beg getting into the car. "I know, me either honestly. How about we eat chipotle, we haven't eaten there in a while." He suggest. "That's because it makes you need to shit." I say laughing.

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