Diatant: Chapter 11

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As I see tears stream down Colby's face I wipe them from his cheek and look at him in awe for a moment. It's crazy how much I care for him in such few days. And to see him cry for me, someone might actually love me back this time. "Even my ex was no good. He was so sweet at first, but whenever we got into arguments he hit me. Sure he left a bruise sometimes, but nothing too bad. It's honestly why I haven't really been in another relationship." I admit, while still in my thoughts. I see anger flash in Colby's eyes. "Adalyn, if I ever met him, I would punch him on the spot, if not worse, for ever laying a finger on you." I could tell he really meant it. "It's okay, I'm not telling you this to let you deal with my troubles, I can handle myself now." "I know, it's just... I don't know. Its makes me angry anyone would ever do that do a women, especially someone as great as you." Colby truly is amazing, he can even make me blush through my tear streaked face. "It's okay, 1 week before my nineteenth. I met the girls and that eventually led to me meeting you. Actually it's exactly three years later tomorrow." I state as a realization. "See so I'm okay I have amazing friends now, and I have you. I couldn't be happier." I said with a smile. This was my first real smile I've had since we began to leave Disney land. Colby smiles too and hugs me tightly. We let go of one another. "Colby, I'm tired from all this crying. Can we go to bed?" I ask. "Yeah of course." We climb into the bed  and lay down. Colby wraps his arm around me and I snuggle into him. I know we're not dating, but I hope it happens soon. I feel safe in his arms. The next morning I wake up and and see Colby's chest and feel my arms around his lower torso. I guess at some point he took off his shirt and I turned to face him. To be fair it was kind of hot last night. I would have done the same if I knew that was an option. I begin to chuckle to myself. I feel Colby begin to move, so I look up at him. I see a smile appear on his face. "What's so funny?" He mumbles, half awake. "Meee" I chirp out. "Since your up, can you move? I'm too small to get out from under you." "Hmmm... I don't know. You know what would be better." "What?" I ask. He gets up and starts to tickle my sides. I start dying in laughter. "Colby, no your gonna make me pee, I just woke up." I say with laughs between every word. "Fine, fine..." He says in laughter. I run to the bathroom oh my god I really had to fucking pee. "You weren't joking." I heard colby chuckle, from the room. "Nope." I call back. I finish up and go back out to the room to see colby throwing up the chocolate almonds and trying to catch them in his mouth. I forgot he even got those last night. Surprisingly he caught all the ones that I saw him throw, but there were a few on the floor. I assume from when I was in the bathroom. "So are you hungry?" I asks. "Uh... Kinda, I feel like getting something light." "That's what I was thinking. Like a smoothie or something." "Perfect, let's get smoothies." He says in excitement. I nod in agreement he calls room service and orders two smoothies. "Colby do you want me to pay you back for these." "No its my treat." "Please, I feel bad." "Fine you can make it up, by going out with me." Oh that was good, but I've got something better. "Fine, but only because I like smoothies." "All of a sudden, I'm a smoothie." Colby laughs out, causing me to laugh as well. "Okay your too good." I say with a laugh.

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