Distant: The ending

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"Your always looking out for others. I'm okay. Listen this is for you. Call me at twelve so we can grab lunch." I say placing down the cup of coffee. "That honestly sounds good. Thank you Addy. I love you. I'll see you soon." He says sipping on the coffee. "I love you too. See you later brother." I lean over the counter and kiss his cheek, before walking out to the car. I get in the passenger then we go back to my house. Colby helps me place everything back in my room, including the few things I grabbed from Andrews house. I placed the photo of Andrew and I on my dresser. I promise to cherish it forever. I get ready to go out to lunch with Nick. I ask Colby if he wanted to come, nut he said he was okay and he'll be here when I get back. I was grateful for that because I doubt I'll be able to sleep alone tonight. The girls stayed home too, except for Tara because she knew Nick too, from how often she stopped by. We all went to lunch and just talked, mostly about Andrew, but about other stuff too. During the lunch I got a phone call from the doctors office. The three of us ended up discussing having a small funeral for him. He honestly could have been my soulmate if not for Colby. He didn't really have blood family after his parents died. But I am stupendously grateful for Colby of course. I am grateful for Andrew too and I loved him, just not exactly like Colby and sadly we both knew it, but he still stuck by my side and I'll forever love him even more for that. During the lunch of course I cried, but it wasn't in a bad way so much, more of a memorial cry. All three of us did. Eventually we ended up saying our good byes and I had Tara take me to FedEx to get some boxes. After that we went home and I just moved all the boxes from her trunk to mines. Throughout the rest of that day I ended up doing paper work and making phone calls. I actually didn't finish until eleven. I didn't even make dinner. I turn to Colby and apology that everything took so long. Of course he just looked over it like the amazing guy he was. "Are you hungry?" Colby asks. "Yeah. I'll just eat an apple or something though, unless you haven't eaten then we can make something." I respond. "No need I ordered us Panda express. It should be arriving now actually." He says. Just then we hear a knock. "Wow the magic Colby." I laugh. "Yeah, but I don't just use my fingers to order things." He jokes. "Okay so your gonna go wash your hands, while I go get the food." I laugh. Colby walks into my bathroom, while I go open the door and get the postmates. I bring it to the room and it honestly smells amazing. Colby and I eat and talk until eventually we get comfortable in bed and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up dreading what I know comes next. I just think giving it all away, finalizes the fact that Andrew is gone and that I need to move on. I know it's not true though. I know that he'll never be gone to me. I get ready for the day and grab my bag. The same one from the day of the beach. It has the keys and all the same stuff in it. I pull out my camera and think about all the footage I have of the two of on it. "Ready?" Colby asks, as he walks out the bathroom. I snap out my thoughts. I sigh before nodding my head. Colby and I take my car back to Andrew's apartments. We packed the boxes and the apartment looked so empty. I've never seen it like this, but I felt a little bit of that emptiness inside of me. It felt nice donating the stuff though. The shelters and places were so thankful. My heart swelled with every place we went to. *time skip to a few months later.* We had the funeral for Andrew. I I said a few words and cried a lot. It was really hard. I know he's watching over though. He was probably shedding a few tears himself. I ended up using all the footage I had to make a video in honor of Andrew. He was only in a few videos, but the response was crazy. There were amazing paragraphs and edits. I even got dms and people in the comments checking up on me. I know Andrew is resting easy and happy right now. As for Colby and I everything's great. He's the best thing in my life and I love him. Always and forever. Andrew still crosses my mind everyday, but I smile thinking of all our memories instead of cry.

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