Distant: chapter 70

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I have been staying with Andrew for almost four weeks now. Colby slips in and out of my mind, but it's never too bad anymore. I miss him kind of we haven't talked since the first night I came here. I still hang out with everyone else though. They actually have all met Andrew too. My channel is back and I've finally started posting again. Everything's almost perfect again. I know Tara knows something's off though I'm sure few people do, but Tara was the only one to call me on it. It just doesn't feel right without Colby, but it's slowly feeling normal. Tara thinks I should talk to him, honestly I really want to. I love. I mean loved him. Love doesn't just disappear, but it does fade, no matter what it's never completely gone though. If he really cared, he would have reached out to me on his own. It's not like his phone is broken he's posted going out to the club hanging out with people, with girls. One girl I see pop up pretty often on his feed. It honestly hurts me everytime I see her smiling with him, but he looks happy. Maybe it's my turn to be happy. Andrew has asked me multiple times to go out with him, but I've refused, because I don't want to commit to anyone knowing how I still feel deep down for Colby, even if he's seemed to move on. Tonight Andrew and I are going to go out for dinner. I don't know where, but he said it was the best restaurant in L.A. and he has a surprise. I agreed to it of course. I know this week has been packed. Just two days ago I filmed a video with Andrew, Tara, Jake, and Kat. Today Andrew and I have this surprise dinner, he's set up, and tomorrow our whole friend group is going to the beach. Like everyone including Colby. I hear he's bringing this girl I see him with, Tara says they're just talking right now. It's been a while of them 'talking' though. I'm pretty sure their dating and Tara doesn't want me to feel hurt by it. I'm really not though. Okay that's a fat ass lie. My heart aches thinking of him with someone else. Trying for a relationship with someone that's not me, but I'm taking Andrew. The group really likes him and I really like him, he keeps me calm. He's like a home somewhere I can always go to and settle, no matter what. I really love him, it's not like Colby though. Maybe that's a good thing maybe he's more of a need then a want. 'No you want and need Colby.' My subconscious says. I push that thought out. No I'm doing just fine and he is too. "Baby go get ready for our surprise date." Andrew calls out ad he pops his head out the room. "We're not dating and it's not a date." I say looking at him. I can't help the smile that forms on my face when I look at him though. "Okay fine. My dearest crush will you please go get ready for our mystery meal meet up." He says stepping out of the room and bowing at the end of the sentence. "Okay fine." I laugh. I walk to my room or technically the guest room to get ready. All my stuff is in here and I get ready in here and everything, but my bed is almost untouched. Andrew and I usually fall asleep on the couch watching something or I'll stay in his room if I can't sleep, which makes up the majority of nights. I start looking for what to were, but I realize I don't know where were going. "Andrew can you come into the room." I call out. I hear Andrew's footsteps draw closer to the room, before the door opens and he comes in. "Yes my dearest crush." He say. "Oh shut up with that." I laugh. "Okay. What did you need? Did you need me to help you change, because I'll get right to it." Andrew laughs, but I can see a little hope in his eyes. "Not a chance." I laugh, crushing that bit of hope in his eyes, but I can still see the happiness in them. "Oh good that was a test. I was just making sure my future girlfriend is a child of God." He says. "Mhmm sure. I'll remember that until our wedding day." I laugh. "Did you say our wedding day, cuz I'll purpose right now." He says as his eyes light up once again. "Yeah I'll remember it forever, because it won't happen." I laugh.

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