Diatant Chapter 5:

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The guys went to their house to go change. Kat and Devyn went with them because she had clothes there and was going to lend some to Devyn. I don't know what they guys were doing, bit after the girls were done changing we met in Ava's room to do our make-up together. We got a speaker and turned some music on. It was great all of us just laughing and admiring one another's make-up looks and choice outfits. They all looked so amazing. I really feel like I have a family again when I'm with them. I then hear a familiar voice blear through the speaker, snapping me out my thoughts, once again. "Is that Jake?" I ask. Yeah, about a year ago a boy made an anthem about their old 'trap' house." She giggles out. "Oh my god this is great!" Jane exclaims. "It really is." I laugh out. I start to record me and the girls getting ready and all laughing together, as Colby's voice plays in the background. "This is officially my new favorite song," I say over the music. "If this is your favorite, you should waite, untill you hear this..." Kat say. I can hear her typing something through the speaker, before hearing a samsung ad. "Oh yeah, I love this song," I laugh out. The ad ends and I hear soon hear what sounds like Colby, saying "It's country time, bitch..." I start cracking up on the spot. As I listen to the song I can't help, but to laugh, it got to the point where I really couldn't breathe for a moment. "Oh my God, guys I'm crying." I'm barley able to laugh out. I had to re-do some of my make-up under my eyes and fix up my eyeliner a little bit, by the end of the song. Yes my tears literally made me re-do my make-up. Through the song I also heard Ariya though. I only met him once at the welcome party, and from what I got to know he was really cool. He told me he did music, and I've even heard a few of his songs, but I never expected this from him. Even the thought of it made me laugh some more. Soon after the song we were all done with are make-up, but the guys still hadn't come over. "What's taking the guys so long?" Ava asked. "Idk you wanna go check on them." I suggest. They all nod in agreement. So with that we all go. Just as I start to open the door, Colby swings it open. I jump back, but not soon enough, so I get a face full of door and fall back. "Oh shit!" I blurt out. I feel blood running down my nose. I see everyone come rushing towards me. I appreciate it, but it kind of made me feel claustrophobic. I don't know if Corey saw it in my face, but he suggested to give me some room. I thanked him. I felt like I could breathe better now. As everyone backed up Colby was the only one left in front of me. "Are you okay he asked?" "What does it look like." Is sarcastically respond with a laugh. "Here let's go get some tissue from the bathroom. Do you think it's broken?" he asks. "No I doubt it, I jumped back a bit, so the hit wasn't so bad." I say as the two us walk to the bathroom. As we go to the bathroom everyone else just seems to settle in on the couch in the living room. I notice that with the exception of decoration, there house is very similar to ours. As we make it to the bathroom, he asks me if I'm okay again. "I'm bummed I have to fix up my make-up again, but I'm fine. It's and easy natural look anyways." I respond. "Wow, that's what your worried about." He asks. "Yeah I wouldn't have to worry about anything if you hadn't hit me with a door." "Good point." He chuckles out. My nose eventually stops bleeding, and surprisingly its didn't do much damage to my make-up, so I just left it as is.

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