Distant: Chapter 64

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"Who the fuck cares. I wanna go to the movie room." I laugh out. "Waite first can you set up the snacks?" Colby asks Sam. "Oh hell no. Not after that." Sam says. "Please I'll give you a twenty." Colby begs. "Finnnee." Sam agrees. He grabs the bags from Colby and goes inside. "You owe me one!" Sam yells as he walks through the door. "For sure brother." Colby yells back. "Okay so were going to have to waite for him to come back out." Coby says looking at me. "But why... I don't like waiting." I complain. "Oh come on it won't eve take five minutes." Colby says. "Fine, but it better not be a party." I say looking in his eyes to see if he's gonna lie tp me. "It's not I swear." Colby laughs truthfully. "Okay." I smile. It doesn't take, but another minute before Sam comes back out. "The couple may enter." Sam says gesturing for us to come in the house, as if he is a butler. "Were not dating." I laugh. "Mhmm." Sam says as we pass him. "Shut up." I laugh and flip him off as we walk down to the movie room. "Hey I spent time on the movie room for you to flip me off." Sam says. We stop before entering and Colby turns around to look at Sam, so I do the same. "She can do whatever she wants. I payed you." Colby laughs out. "Oh I'll remember this." Sam laughs, but says as a warning. Colby nudges me. "Flip him off again at the count of three." I nod my head. "Your right Sam, thank you." He says before whispering one, two, three. We both flip him off. "Ha. Ha. So funny. Just remember this." Sam says trying not to laugh. We laugh along and just turn around to go to the movie room. I look around and see decorations and the projector. "Oh Colby this is amazing. But knowing our friend group we should order some more food." I say. "What do you mean? It's for the two of us." Colby says looking at me confused. "Like a date?" I ask. "Well I was hoping we could have like a first date, since were friends and all. But if you don't want it to be like that it doesn't have to be. Even if just because you go on a date, doesn't mean you are dating." I laugh at Colby's rambling. "It's okay. I think it's sweet. Come on before the ice cream melts." I laugh and walk inside. I don't get why he's so nervous. It's not like we just met. I sit on the couch and grab a pint of ice cream. Colby does the same thing and hands me a spoon. He presses play then leans back on the couch. I lean into him and see a smile appear on his face, making the same smile appear on mine. We really didn't pay to much attention to the movie, just talked, laughed, and indulged ourselves in a lot of candy and junk food. I just no the movie was long as shit because after all our conversations and everything it was still playing. I ended up falling asleep in Colby's arms and he of course fell asleep holding me. I wake up, what feel like an hour later. I look at my positioning in Colby's arm then I look up at him. Damn he's really cute. He looks so calm and content. "Damn this friend thing is getting harder and harder by the minute." I whisper to myself. Colby's arms tighten around my waist. "Your telling me." Colby say opening his eyes. "How long have you been up?" I ask. "Just loud enough to hear what you said." Colby chuckles out. "I just don't see why we have to be friends." Colby says in a low voice. "I just don't want to get hurt and I don't want to hurt you." I sigh. "That won't happen." Colby protest. "It's all that's ever ended, right when I think nothing could go wrong. I mean look at us we seem happy as friends. Happy as we are right now." I say positioning myself so I could look at him, but staying in his arms. "Your right look at Adalyn, were only this happy when we act like a couple, when were in positions like this. We both know you don't love me like a friend. And I don't love you like a friend. So why are we acting like were just friends." Colby says in almost a begging tone.

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