Distant: Chapter 63

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"Oh my God. I don't know you." I laugh and turn around to the other side of the isle. I pretend like I'm looking for something while Colby just stands there laughing his ass off. The guy he called out to looked back at us annoyed, but kept walking. As soon as he was out of sight I turn back to Colby and bust out into laughter along with him. "What's wrong with you?" I laugh. "What you didn't believe me." He says. "Yeah I didn't think I had to." I laugh. "Well now you know. Now come on let's go check on." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him to the self check out line. Lost in the moment I leave my hand in his. Colby checks everything out before we go back to his car. "Oh can you drive I need to text Sam." Colby says. "Just text him right now." I laugh. "Please I need to talk to him about a video." Colby says. "Oh okay." I agree and grab the keys. Colby sounded like he was lying, but we not even dating so I wont push it. "Thank youuu." Colby says with a smile. Even though I know he's hiding something, I can't help, but to smile back. I get into the driver seat, while Colby gets in on the other side. Colby just holds the bags on his lap rather than putting them on the floor or in the back seat. Why? I have no idea. I start the car and pull out of the parking lot. I hear Colby typing a million fucking words a second and his phone buzzing every two minutes. "Oh my God. Who are you texting?" I ask. "Uh... I already told you I'm texting Sam." Colby says. I can feel his eyes on me before his phone buzzes and he looks back down. I glance over at him then back at the rode. I hear Colby laugh quietly. I don't think Colby's texting Sam. I know where not dating, but still friends don't lie right. That's what I'll tell myself the truth deep down is I know I don't want it to be girl. "Are you sure your texting Sam?" I ask glancing at Colby. "Scouts honor." He laughs. "Okay." I see feeling a little worried. Maybe all of this was a bad idea if Colby got with someone I know my heart would break. Friends or not he still had my heart. I unconsciously sigh and I feel Colby's eyes on me. He types something quickly then puts his phone away. "What's wrong?" Colby asks. "Nothing." I lie. "Come on clearly that's not true. We were having a good day. Friends don't lie tell me." He says. "Really it's nothing. I think I'm just being stupid." I say driving down the street we live on. There actually wasn't really an traffic when I think about it. "You know you can tell me anything Addy. No matter where we stand I'll always be here to listen." Colby says as I park his car in the driveway. "I know. Really it's nothing though." I smile and finally completely look at him. I know I was probably over exaggerating. "Just one thing." I say. Colby looks at me waiting for me to continue. "You wouldn't or didn't lie to me about texting Sam." I say. Colby chuckles a little. "I promise I texted Sam, but..." Colby gets cut off. "BROTHERR!" I hear Sam yell as the door swings open. "Come on." Colby says opening the door and getting out. "Waite but what?" I ask, now anxious to know. "You'll find out sooner or later." He says before closing the door and hugging Sam. I get out the car. "Wow so Adalyn can drive your car, but not me." Sam complains. "Yeah he mentioned no one else driving his car, but him." I laugh. "Yeah come one dude that's not fair." Sam says. "Yeah too bad I already drove it twice he offered a third time to." I say before playfully sticking my tongue out at Sam. "Wow after everything I just did for you. And after that whole conversation. Wow. I shouldn't even let you in." Sam says to Colby. "Waite what?" I ask. "Shit seriously Sam." Colby says trying to be serious, but a saw a smile trying not to come out. "What it's not like I told her it's in the movie room." Sam says. "What's in the movie room?" I ask. "Sucks to suck you should have let me drive your car more." Sam says to colby while laughing.

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