Distant: Chapter 14

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The guys come jogging over. We take all the snacks to the movie room, and I see they still haven't chosen a movie. "Are you guys serious, you still haven't chosen." Tara exclaims. "Here, give me that." Jane says, basically snatching the remote from Corey. "Hey chill." Corey laughs out "To be fair it has been like 30 minutes." Jake says. "Exactly" Jane exclaims, she scrolls through Amazon Prime movies to rent for about 10 seconds before suggesting we rent a scary movie called The Invisible Man. We all agreed to it and she clicks rent. "Was that hard so." Devyn asks sarcastically to the guys, making us all laugh. We set down all the the stuff and settle into different spots. I sit down on the couch snuggled out into Colby's side, while his arm rests around my waist. Everyone else scattered out around the room. Omg who cares I'm in Colby's arm right now. Eeeeehghgg. Colby looks down at me. "What are you so smiling about?" Oh shit, I'm can't tell him I'm cheesing over this. "Oh nothing, I just heard this movie was really good, and I'm excited to see it." "Mhmmm..." He says in a non-believing voice, with a chuckle. We start the movie and get about thirty minutes into the movie and see a jump scare. I jump a bit and move closer into Colby's side. Just then we hear a knock at the door making me jump again. "Who's that?" Sam asks. "I don't know, but I'll go with you." Colby says. Oh hell no he is not about to leave me here. "I'll go too I suggest." "Kay, come on." All three of us walk to the front door. Sam opens it and we see the pizza guy. "Oh yeah. I forgot I ordered pizza." "Waite wasn't that like almost fifty minutes ago." "Yeah, there was a crash on the way here, so the road was closed off, sorry about that. These are on the house though." He seems sweet. "Sorry you had to drive all that way dude." Sam says and hands him a twenty. Colby grabs the pizza from the guy. "Thank you" I say before closing the door. We all walk back to the room. As soon as we walk in we hear a cheer from our friends. "Pizza. Pizza. Pizza" they all chant. Colby laughs and sets it down on the small table in the middle of the room. We open tbe boxes up and grab a slice, before settling back into our previous seats. Kat presses play on the movie and we continue watching. The movie was actually really good I genuinely got scared from it. I could tell even Colby got scared every once in a while, but I could tell he was trying to conceal it, so I didn't say anything. I don't really care if he got scared or not anyways. The movie was actually really long, it was over two hours. It was around ten-twenty when the movie ended. We still had hella snacks and pizza left over though, so we decided to turn on some music and chill for a while. During the time we basically just talked, made a few tik-toks, and laughed.  We mostly laughed though. I've smiled more in tbe past few days with this friend group, than in my entire life. Sam asks the group if we want to make a video for his blindfold hide and seek series and we all agree to it. He decides that the first person to be caught can help him search for the last person only, because the house is big and still kind of new to everyone. Sam goes out front and gives us two minutes to hide I spend almost the whole two minutes looking for a spot until, I find the perfect one. In the house there is a small closet in the guest room there is a shelf on the top really high up. The closet is long, but short in width two people couldn't even stand side by side up there. I climb up the wall by pushing my feet out and pushing my back against the wall, while inching my way up. Finally I get to the top and lay flat. There's no way he'll find me here.

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