Distant: Chapter 37

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"After everything You've done Your giving up on Me." I say standing up. "Ada..." "Fine, giving up." I say cutting him off. "Your giving up on me." I mumble just now fully taking into realization everything that has just been said. I can't take this. I begin to walk away. "Waite..." He calls out. "For what! For the one person in my life that I think I love, but is pushing me away." Colby gets up and jogs toward me. "That's my point, it's not love if you have to think about it." He says in a gloomy voice. "I never had to think about it. Not until now." I say before walking off. I can feel him standing there, looking at me, but I refuse to look back, in order to salvage whatever pieces of my heart are left. As I walk I remember seeing Sam and Kat go waite in the car, but I wasn't paying much attention. Shit. I really need to think right now. I get to Kat's car and tell her that I'm gonna take an Uber. I also tell Sam that Colby is still back there. "What happened?" Kat asks quietly. I just put my head down and pretend like I didn't hear her as I walk away. I don't really feel like going home, so I pull out my phone and look if there's any places near by. I find a little restaurant only five minutes away walking. As I walk lost in my thoughts. I feel my phone buzz. It's a message from Tara asking how everything's going. I just ignore it and put my phone back in my pocket. I make it to the restaurant and find a booth in the back to sit at. While I waite for a waiter to come I pull my phone back out to check the time. It's only two in the afternoon, but that's not what I'm focused on. I stare at my lock screen. And see a beautiful picture of Colby and I at the beach. We looked so happy, I wish I remember taking it. I think about calling Kat to make sure Colby's okay. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. As soon as I unlock my phone a waiter comes up to me, causing me to put my phone down before doing anuthing. A cute brown haired guy, with hazel green eyes and a build kind of like Colby approaches me. "Hey, I'm Andrew. What would you like?" He asks. "Do you have alcohol?" I ask. "It's that bad huh?" He asks jokingly. Making me half smile as I continue to look at the menu. "I recommend the lava flow cocktail." He suggest. "Okay. I'll have that." I say putting down the menu. He grabs the menu and walks off. I feel kind of bad, he was really nice, but I'm not in the mood to smile today. And to think I felt so happy this morning. I look down at the table, twisting a random ring on my middle finger. I look slightly to the left and notice my phone. I forgot I was going to call Kat. I pick up my phone, go to her contact and press call. I almost instantly regret it, but with in only two rings she picks up. "Hello?" She asks with a soft voice. "Hey I was just making sure you're all okay." I say through the phone. "He's fine." She responds, knowing I really just wanted to know about Colby. "Okay thank you." "Of course." I begin to hang up, but I hear her start to say something else. "I love you Addy, okay." She says as I put the phone back to my ear. "I love you too." I say before hanging up. Hearing I love you just makes me want to cry now. I put my phone in my purse as Andrew comes back with my drink. "Thank you." I say as he puts my drink down. He turns to walk away, but comes back. "Umm... I get off in a few minutes, and I know you probably don't feel the best right now, but I was wondering if maybe, you might want to go for a walk or something with me. You totally don't have to though." He says nervously. I know I probably shouldn't trust a stranger, especially while looking an emotional mess, but it's not like I could get hurt anymore then I already am.

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