Distant: Chapter 46

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The next morning I woke up super excited and ready for the day. I turn around to a still sleeping Colby. "Not today." I whisper.  "Collllllbbbsssss. Wake up. It's Disney dayyy." I say shaking him. "What?" He grumbles. "Come on get up." I say, continuing to shake him. "You sound like a child on Christmas." Colby says finally starting to get up.  "Yup. And for a present you can get up." I say leaning over him.  "And where's my present. I asked for a kiss." he says pulling me down. "Oh nevermind it's not like Christmas more like my birthday." I whisper and laugh, are faces inches away. "Then we can have birthday sex." He chuckles. Before I can say anything are lips are connected in a deep kiss. After around five minutes I pull away and get off of him. "I have to get ready." I say before giving him another kiss, but a quick one and walking to the bathroom. I shower then step out. As I get out I notice Colby's not there, but I hear a shower running, from the main bathroom. That's probably him. Now that I think about it that's the only noise I heard. Is anyone home? I look to Colby's dresser and I see some clothes and my make-up bag with a little note. "I'm probably in the shower right now. Here are some of your clothes, even though I prefer you without them." I laugh a little bit before reading the rest. "Oh yeah and the paper under this was taped to my door." I lift up the note Colby wrote to see what looked like Tara's hand writing. "Hey belated birthday bitchhhh... Everyone had to go get ready and stuff we're all meeting at Disneyland. Hugs and kisses - Tara." She is so extra, she could have just texted me this. I start to change into what Colby picked out and started on my make-up. I guess I'll just brush my hair and leave it natural. I decided to do my make-up based around the outfit. {make-up and outfit on ig story (it's rick and morty themed lol)} Just as I finished my make-up Colby comes in ready to go. "Hey babe." Colby says walking in. "Hey." I smile and get up. He looks at me and smiles. I can see the admiration in his eyes as he walks up to me. God he can make my heart melt and feel weak to my knees with just a look. "I like the outfit you chose." I say as continue walking over. "I like your make-up." he says wrapping me into a right hug. "I love you." I whisper as I hug him back. "I love you too." He days kissing the top of my head then letting me go. I glance in the mirror. "Good you didn't mess up my make-up." I laugh. "Shut up. Let's go." Colby says jokingly. I grab my bag then Colby's hand and go out to his car. We get in and he drives off.  "Do you want to stop and get breakfast?" Colby asks me. "Uh yeah sure." I respond. "Okay what do you want?" "I don't know. We can get smoothies, waite no. I don't know. What do you want?" I say, being the indecisive person I am. "Uh I don't know either. Colby says glancing over to me, then to the road again. "OH!" I exclaim. "Let's get milkshakes." I continue.  "That actually sounds like it would hit right now. I know a restaurant we can go to." Colby says smiling. About five minutes later we arrive at a cute little restaurant. "Oh this is cute, when did you come here?" I ask. "Oh I haven't, but I've been meaning to. Brennen has been recommending it to me forever now." Colby says as we walk on. "Oh okay." Is all I say as we find a table. The waiter comes over and asks for our waiter after about five minutes. Colby ordered an omelet and I ordered an omelet. I honestly didn't even know what was in it, because I didn't know what to get. I just decided on the spot. Our food didn't take to long to come. We ate and just started talking. "So are you excited?" Colby asks, facing me. "Of course I am." I say before kissing his cheek. *time skip* (we finished eating and are on our way to Disneyland.)

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