Distant: Chapter 28

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The girls and I all split up to change then met back to do our make-up together (on IG story). After finishing we all go back to the guys house. Everyone is downstairs and ready, except Colby. He comes jogging down the stairs in sweats and a tank top. I make eye contact with him as his eyes widen. "You are not about to go in that, are you?" "I don't know, I don't really feel like going?" "But, Colby. Pleaseee for an early birthday present." I beg. "Okay." He says twisting his rings. "You guys go, we'll just catch up." "Kay, byeee." Tara says hugging me. "See you soon." Then they leave. I look back up at Colby, whose still waiting on the stairs. "Come on let's go get ready." "Do I have to get dressed, can't you just undress." He says with longing in his voice. "We can't." "But their finally gone, it'll be the perfect chance. Plus it'll be a way better pre-birthday present." "For you or me?" I say considering it. "Definitely both of us." He says before winking. "What about my make-up?" "It'll wash off. Or maybe sweat off." he says taking a few steps closer. I take off my shoes as he gets to the bottom of the stairs. "I can wash it off!" I yell as I sprint pass him to the bathroom and lock the door." I had to lock it, because I knew if I didn't he wouldn't give me time to wash it off. I hear him on the other side of the door complaining. "Come on Adalyn. You can't do this to me. Not right now." I can hear the desperation in his voice and it was making me weak. I take off my make-up in a hurry, probably not even taking everything off. I didn't even care though, that's not what my mind was on. I patted my face dry with a random towel, that I hope was Colby's when I think about. I really only took about a minute to remove my make-up, but it felt like the longest minute of my life. Colby seemed to feel the same way, because as soon as I opened the door he picks me up in one swift motion and carries me into his room. It all happened so quickly I didn't even have time to react. He throws me on the bed and looks at me with a complete lust and need. "Lock the door this time." I barely let out, my breath is caught im my throat. He does as said before slowly walking back to me, which was torture.  He leaned down starting it with a forceful kiss and let's just say we never made it to the bar. (I'm sure you have a good enough imagination) After we settled down a bit, I checked my phone. I had around 30 text messages from Kat. "Shit." I mumble to myself. "What happened?" Colby asks looking over to me. "I just forgot to text Kat." As soon as the words can fall out of my mouth, my phone rings. I looked down and see a incoming FaceTime call from Kat. "Oh shit." I look around frantically and grab a random purple sweater from Colby's floor and slip it on. I fix my hair a little before pressing answer. "I KNEW IT!" Kat shouts through the phone. "What happened?" Colby says trying to look at my phone, but he's clearly not wearing anything so I push him out of the frame. "I don't know what your talking about." I laugh. "Yeah right!" Kat exclaims. "We just decided to watch Netflix. That's all." I say, like it was no big deal. I look over to Colby as he finger quotes 'Netflix', making me laugh. "Oh don't act like you and Colby didn't just Fuck!" She says into the phone creating the people behind her to look over in discomfort. She covers her mouth and we both begin to laugh. "Okay how about we talk about this when we get home?" I hear Sam say from somewhere around her. "Yeah, good Idea." I agree. "Waite." Kat says. "Gotta go bye." I say before hanging up. Less than a minute later I hear my phone bing with a new message from Kat. 'Got some more fucking to do before we get home. Lol.' I just send a winking emoji, not really meaning it, before setting my phone down, and turning to a now half dressed Colby.

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