Distant: Chapter 62

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"Ow. My hand is aching of your touch." Colby fake whines. "There's no winning with you." I laugh and put my hand in his. "Nope I already one you. I couldn't get anything more." I start to blush. "Stop it." I say. "Only if you kiss me." Colby says as the cars in front of us move forward. "I already did." I say. "Uh no. That was not a kiss that our lips barely touched." Colby complains. "Fine next time I won't even do that." I say. "Fine I won't complain anymore. Just know your the one who said they'll be a next time though." Colby smirks. "Maybe I was lying." I say. "Maybe you weren't." He says glancing at me, then back to the road. "Maybe I should stop holding your hand if you don't shut up." I say. "Okay fine. Let's play a game." Colby suggest. "Okay like what?" I ask. "Hm... I bet you we will come to a stop in the next two minutes." Colby says. "That's not a game." I say. "Deal or no deal?" He asks. "Fine deal." I laugh. Literally five seconds after I answer we slow down into a stop. "Your joking?" I laugh out. "You lost. Now you have to kiss me." Colby says with the biggest smile on his face. "That was not the deal." I complain. "That's your fault for not asking." He says. "And what if we didn't stop." I ask? "Then I would have to kiss you." He smiles. "What a lame prize." I joke. "Oh wow. Now you really have to kiss me." Colby pouts. "Fine I'll kiss you." I say as the car starts moving again. "Really?" Colby asks in excitement. "Yeah." I say, then pull his hand to my lips and kiss it. "I meant on the lips." He says. "That's your fault for not specifying where." I laugh. "It's okay you can still kiss my ass." I say looking at him. Colby looks over at me for a moment. "Do you mean it?" He asks with a smirk. "Ewe of course not. Friends." I remind him. "And here is me bringing back the option of friends with benefits." Colby says. "No way." I laugh. "What there just like real close friends." Colby protests. "Nope." I say pulling my hand away from his. "No I was joking please." Colby begs reaching for my hand. I grab his hand. "Your such a baby." I say. "Then breast feed me." He responds back. "Oh my god. Stop that." I say. "Okay, okay. I'm done." He chuckles and takes the first exit off the freeway. "Do you mind if we go to the store real quick?" Colby asks already turning onto the street that Safeway is on. "Well were already here." I say. "Kay good." He laughs as he parks the car. We get out and walk to the store. "Okay so what do you need?" I ask. "You'll see." Colby says as we walk into the store. I follow him around and we talk as Colby grabs random items I look in the cart to see what he's buying. There's whipped cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, two pints of ice cream and were standing in the candy section. "Oh my god Colby are you going on a strictly sugar diet or something?" I laugh. "No it's for tonight." He says looking at me. "What's tonight?" I ask. "Stick around and find out." Colby says smiling at me. "I don't know your pretty boring, but then again I do like candy and ice cream. I guess I'll take you up on the offer, but only for the sugar." I say. "Hey. That's not very friendly." Colby laughs. "Your right, but it's true." I laugh. "Shut up you love me." He laughs. "Your right." I agree. "I know." He says, smiling so big his dimples pop out. "Stop that." I laugh. "What did I do this time." Colby laughs, while putting his hands up in surrender. "Just pick out the candy and let's go." I say, knowing damn well I can't tell him what I meant. But God that damn smile gets me every time. "It's okay babygirl I know you can't deny me." Colby says with a wink. "Colby..." I say dragging out the y. "What friends give one another nicknames." He says grabbing some sour patch kids and jolly ranchers. "Really? So you talk to everybody like that." I say with one hand on my hip. "What you don't believe me?" Colby says challenging me. "Nope." I respond. "Hey Babygirl how are you?" Colby calls out to some random guy passing us.

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