Distant: Chapter 52

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Oh shit I forgot to tell Colby. It's fine I'll tell Colby right now. 'Uh yeah sure. My boyfriend is having a party today in like an hour. I'll send you the address if you want.' I text him back. Maybe I can fix our friendship this time. 'Okay' he texts back. I send him Colby's address then go catch up to the girls. "What took you so long?" Ava asks. "My old friend texted me." I laugh. "Oh is he coming?" Tara asks. "Yeah. I'm going to introduce him to Colby." I reply walking to the door. "Good." Tara laughs. "Uh? Are we missing something?" Kat asks. "Yeah, but to much explaining. LET'S GO PARTY!" I laugh out. "Woohoo." Ava laughs. We go to the guys house and I go straight to Colby. I should tell him now before I forget. I knock on Colby's door and he tells me to come in. I start to speak, but look him and become speechless. "Thank you." He laughs. "Oh my bad." I say, beginning to blush. "It's fine you look really good, and I'm debating going out to party right now." Colby days walking closer to me. I feel my stomach flutter and my heart rage with love, and my mind becomes a mess and I almost forget what I came in here for. "Stop I can't think straight with you all horny and shit." I laugh, but mean it. "It's okay there's no need to think." He says grabbing my waist. "Colbyyy. I'm serious." I beg feeling weak to the power he has over me right now. "Fine, but I'll have you naked by the end of the night." He says in a completely serious voice, making me feel even weaker. "Deal." I nervously laugh. "Okay. What's up babe?" He says in a now normal voice again. "Oh yeah." I say. I explain to him everything about Noah and our friendship even what happened when it ended and how I invited him over. "So you don't like him like that anymore right?" Colby ask. "Of course not. I love you Colby and I was really just debating canceling this whole part to... well um you know." I blush again. "Oh ad of now. You can still count on it happening sometime tonight." Colby laughs. "Yeah okay lover boy. Let's go." I laugh ad I get off Colby's bed. Colby mimics my motions and we leave. By the time we get down the house is pretty full with people scattered around the living room talking and drinking. "Wow that was fast." I say to Colby. "Yeah. Let's go get a drunk before they run out. I want a white claw." Colby says, while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the kitchen. "Okay. Doesn't look like I have a choice." I laugh. We go get white claws. Colby gets watermelon and I get the last Mango flavored one. I plan on getting something stronger later in the night, and I'm sure Colby does too. I feel my phone vibrate. That must be Noah or something. I check my phone to see I'm correct. Noah texted me he's outside. "Come on." I say to Colby as I out my phone in my pocket. Colby wraps his arm around mine and we walk to the door I open it and give Noah a quick hug before letting him in and going back to my place in Colby's arms. "Noah this is Colby. Colby this is Noah." I say. "Hey man." Colby says sticking his hand out. "Hey." Noah says, taking it and shaking it. As people come in I talk to Noah and Colby. Noah and I talk back about our childhood, and Colby listens in learning more about me. We talk about a variety of things including getting all caught up with one another, until eventually we split up. I went off with Colby to dance, and I guess Noah went to go mingle or something. I don't know or really care much I was enjoying myself with Colby. Colby and I were dancing, talking and drinking all night. At some point Colby and I wondered off from one another, and I found myself in the kitchen to get another drink. "Hey." I hear Noah's voice ring through my ears. "Hey." I say looking up. "Can we talk?" Noah asks. "Yeah sure." I say, while pouring myself another drink. This would be my last one. I didn't want to get to drunk tonight. I still want to keep my plans with Colby. Where is Colby. "Adalyn?" Noah asks.

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