Distant: Chapter 17

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We finally arrive to our destination around twenty-five minutes after leaving. To my surprise we arrive at a faire. "Have you eaten yet?" He asks while we get out the car. "Oh no I was so busy getting ready with the girls, I didn't even think of eating." "Okay great, well not great, but I know a place we should go." He takes me to this small homey looking buffet. "Oh waite, before we go in, do you like Sushi." "Yup, love it." "Oh good, come on then."  We walk inside and let me tell you this place was so cute. We sit at a small table in front of a booth. "So where'd you find this place it's adorable." "I was doing a good review video with mu friend Brennen and we came here." "Oh that's cute. Whose Brennen though?" He's one of closest friends you guys really have to meet. I think you'll get along." "Okay, yeah. Umm so do we just go get our meals, or..." "Oh yeah, sorry that's my bad." He says with a little embarrassed face while he brushes his fingers through his hair. I love when he does that, he looks so cute. Every time he does that I can't help, but to think about... Well that's not important what I think. Unlucky for me he does that pretty often. "What are you thinking about?" Colby asks with a slight smirk. Oh shit what do I say. "I'm just really excited to try the sushi, this place looks really nice." I laugh a little unconfidently. "Kay, let's go." I say as getting up and begining to walk to the food. "Hey waite for me." He says with a laugh. I waite for him and he grabs my hand. We walk to tye buffet together. We both get a plate. I feel Colby's presence behind me as I put some pieces of on my plate. "I know there's no way you were biting your lip over some damn sushi." He whispers in a semi-seductive way. I immediately start blushing. I didn't even remember biting my lip. I need to calm down we're in public. I finish getting my food and go back to the table, where Colby is already waiting. I sit down next to him and smile. He wraps his arm around me. "Are you ready to eat?" He asks. "Yeah." Okay so I guess we're just gonna act like none of that happened.  We eat are sushi and talk more about each other. Okay, but for real the sushi was really amazing. We eventually finish our food, pay the bill, and leave. We go back out to the faire and begin playing games. Colby wins me a few stuffed animals and we have a lot of fun. We walk up to booth made for two people to compete in.  It is basically a basketball competition. The winner seems to get a giant stuffed animal of their choice from the options provided. We walk over to it and waite in line to play. "I just want yo to know I'm very competitive." I tell Colby. "Don't worry when I win I'll give you the stuffed animal." "Don't worry when I win, I can choose it on my own." I reply with a laugh. I see one animal in specific that I have my eye on for when I win. We advance in line until we are the first ones. The lady essentially explains that whoever makes more baskets in a minute wins. After a minute passes I of course win and choose to het the giant Koala. I remember Colby saying they were his favorite animals. "Here." I say to Colby, while handing him the stuffed animal. "No, you won faire and square. I'm honestly surprised." "Well, actually I used to play basketball in highschool, so I knew I was gonna win." "Waite, why didn't you tell me." "Because it made it funnier when you lost." I laugh out. "Ha, ha looks like we have a comedian." He sarcastically laughs. We walk around for a little longer and play a few more games. Time seems to fly by because all of a sudden it eleven at night and the faire is closing. "Time just seems to fly by when I'm with you." I say with smile. "I know right time always go by fast, when your having fun."

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