Distant: Chapter 33 (Colby's p.o.v.)

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Tara leans down and hugs Adalyn. "Hey" Tara barely let's out. "Hey." Adalyn smiles through tears. "How are you?" Tara asks. "I don't know, everything is so faint and fuzzy. I don't even remember how I go to this point. My head hurts like a bitch though." She slightly laughs. "Whose he? He's kind of cute." She whispered to Tara, probably thinking I didn't hear. I wish I didn't though. My heart shattered to the floor. "You don't remember me?" I choke on the words as they come out. "You look like someone I've seen before, but no. I feel like I've passed you in the street." Passed me in the street, like a stranger. That can't be right. "I have to go." I whisper before walking out.  As soon as I walk out and get far enough down the hall to where the group can see me I fall to the floor where my heart is. I feel just as shattered and empty as it is. I can't even breathe. Tears just uncontrollably stream down my face. The group comes toward me, but it just makes me feel claustrophobic. Sam picks me up, basically caring my dead waite, because I can't bring myself to move on my own. "Where's Tara?" Jake asks. I just point down the hall to the room, unable to speak. "Let's go to for a walk, just us." Sam says already walking to the door, dragging me with him. I don't really want to go with him. I just want to sit down and cry my existence away, but I don't have enough strength to refuse. We walk out to my car and Sam Unlocks the doors. "I thought, we were going for a walk?" I whisper. "Yeah, but you know you're not capable of that right now." He opens my door and I get in while he goes around to the other side. Sam gets, starts the car we drive off. "Can you call Kat and put it on speaker please?" Sam asks. I don't respond just did as he asked. "Hello?" Her voice comes through after a few rings. "Kat, Colby and I are going home, can you leave with Tara and Jake?" "Yeah." She says and hangs up. Sam turns toward me. "You okay?" He asks. I don't answer just lean my head against the window and close my eyes. He obviously knows how I'm doing. "Did she remember you at all?" Sam asks hesitantly. "About as someone she's passed by in the street." Hearing myself say that, makes my heart break even more than it already is. I didn't even know that was possible, but newsflash it apparently can. We eventually make it back home. I come back feeling just as empty if not more, than in the hospital. Once we got inside I just went straight to my room. All I want to do is sleep and try to forget everything. Sam also decides to go to his room and about thirty minutes later I hear him on the phone with Kat. From what I can hear she only remembers a few people. I still can't believe I'm not one of them. There it goes again. Just the thought of it making me feel ten times emptier than before. Maybe I deserve this, maybe she'll be better off without me. Even if I still can't live without knowing I had her and may never have her again. I hear Sam repeat through the phone that she's coming back to tomorrow, making me both happy and sad. I'll help her remember me I can't go down without a fight. Not with Adalyn, I love her to much to lose her again. I hear a light knock on my door, do I tell Sam tp come in. "Hey." He says sympathetically making me feel worse. I just nod my head at him. "So Adalyn is gonna come back tomorrow, besides her memory, she is in surprisingly good condition." My heart breathes a breath of relief knowing that she's at least okay. "The doctor says not to push her to remember anything it can mess with her brain. You can ask what she knows, but don't force to much on her at a time." Sam continues, while I stay silent. Sam runs his fingers through his hair. "She also only remembers her roommates, Kat and Jake." It hurt not hearing my name on that list. "I just want to sleep." I say, closing my eyes waiting for Sam to leave.

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