Distant: chapter 4

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I stand up and glare at the boys. "Great now I have to change." I hear Jane ask for the time, to which the boys respond 5am. "5am are you guys joking!" Ava yells "No, were pranking you..." Jake responds like it's an obvious thing. I knew this would be trouble, but you know what. Let the games begin, there not the only YouTubers on the block. Sam and Colby had already stopped recording so I went up to colby while everyone was talking. "Hey" he chirps out to me. "Hey, I left my clothes in your car. Can we go get them?" "Oh yeah, sure thing." We go out to his car and grab my bags. As I'm walking back up my lawn I trip over a rock and drop all my stuff. Colby puts my bags down to come help me. Right now I am struck with complete fear. Not because of my stuff, but because I feel a breeze on my bum, meaning my shirt, must of slightly lifted when I fell. I see Colby coming over before stopping abruptly. I can't even move right now. Both of us are in total shock. "Your not wearing sho..." Colby's voice breaks through my mind and I jump up and pull Tara's shirt as far down as it goes. "Colby... You have to swear to me you will never tell a single soul what you saw right now." I look past him and notice the door is shut, and curtains closed. Good at least that means no one else saw. How come out of all the people it had to be Colby, the one person I actually started catching feelings for. At that moment all the embarrassment hit me. I hadn't realized it, but I was still in shock up to this point. I look back at Colby and see a smirk on his face, that smirk then turns into a tiny laugh. "Are you laughing at me?"I ask. "Yeah, you really know how to brighten someones day." "Wow, and you really know how to ruin one." Even with everything that just happened, I can't help, but to laugh along. I tried not to, but his smile is contagious. "Whatever, just promise me you'll never mention this to anyone." "I don't know, this seems like a good story" he replies. "Colby I may be smiling, but I'm serious." "Fine, I promise." Oh thank God he caves easily. We pick up all my stuff and walk in laughing. Corey asks what took us so long. "Nothing" I reply, then look to Colby. He has a big grin on his face and Says. "Oh Adalyn..." I go into shock again, he wouldn't, would he. Oh God no. Before I can say anything he finishes his sentence "...dropped some of her bags, so I was making fun of her for being so clumsy." I sigh as relief floods through my body. "Your too much" I mumble to Colby. "I know" he whispers back. "Oh yeah, that's Adalyn for you." Tara giggles out. "I am not that clumsy" I oppose. "No, you definitely are." Colby says with a chuckle. "Can we just change the subject." I lightly say with embarrassment. "It's okay, I'm clumsy too, Adalyn" Devyn says with a soft voice. I just smile at her and mouth the words 'thank you.' She really is the sweetest thing ever. If only she knew that I wasn't embarrassed about being clumsy, but more of what my clumsiness had just caused to happen. "So do you guys want to go out and do anything today?" Jake asks.  "Well clearly we need to change first," Tara retorts back. "She's right", I agree still thinking about the incident that just occured. "How about we all go get ready, then we'll all go out to Disneyland. It'll be on the guys, as a sorry for the prank." "Waite what, that's not fair," Jake objects. "Too late Colby already said it, we'll see you in half an hour" I laugh out.

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