Distant: Chapter 18

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"Oh that reminds me, I forgot something at the house and we can go drop off the stuffed animals before we go to our next destination. "Okay, where are we going next." "Waite, let me guess. It's a surprise." I mimic him. "Yessir" he says, and we both laugh. He drives us to his house and we both go inside. I see all the guys on the couch filming a video they turn it towards us and yell, "Hey guys." I drop all the stuff animals and wave. They go back to filming, what sounded like Jakes outro, while I pick up the animals and put them on a nearby chair. When I look up I see Colby looking at one another as if they were communicating in some way. I clear my throat and they both look over to me. "Hey can you do me a favor?" Colby asks. I reply with a sure. "I need you to go home and change into something comfortable that you can walk in. "Okay." I say he gives me a quick kiss, then I leave to my house. I walk back to the house and all the girls are knocked out on the couch. The t.v. is on playing the 100 from Netflix. I begin to laugh to myself. I get a few blankets and cover them. Then go to my room to change. I put on some black leggings and a cropped falling in reverse sweater. I also take off my make-up, because I think about him saying 'something I can walk in.' I then walk back over to Colby's driveway and see he is already waiting in the car tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. I get in and say hey again. "Hey, you look beautiful." He says. Thank you I respond. We drive and listen to some music, but this time it was only for about fifteen minutes. "Where here" he says. We get out the car then he goes to the trunk and pulls out a picnic basket. "Aww, a picnic." I say. "Yup, but that's not it. Follow me." He grabs my hand and we walk up this rocky hill. We get to the top and you can see a beach on the other side.  I look at the view and slightly gasp. "This is amazing." I barely let out, from how breath taking the view was. "I know right." He whispers. He sets down a blanket then puts the basket on the side. He pulls out an array of foods, snacks and drinks. "Oh my God, when did you make all of this? " I ask genuinely shocked, because I wad only gone for like five minutes. "Oh I texted the boys to help set it up before we left the faire. "Oh that's sweet." I reply. We begin eating and opening up.to one another. "Hey Colby, can I ask you something?" "Yeah, shoot." Fuck it I'm just gonna straight ask him. "How come you don't really date anyone, or at least until now." "Well that's a kong story actually." "I have time." I laugh. "Well first there's a lot of fake people in L.A. and I don't want to just be in relationship, just to be in one. I want to be with someone I know that I'm gonna last with. "But what about me, you asked me out after only two days." I unintentionally interrupt. "Yeah and from the moment I met you, I knew it would work. And you did too. The day you told me about your life you trusted me and I could tell you were such a genuine person I instantly fell in love more than I already was. Being honest almost every other girl just dated me for their own selfish ways, wether it be clout just someone to fuck with or whatever. I can tell that's not you. If anything I get more out of this relationship than you do. I never felt this much genuine love from someone in my life. I've never even felt this way about anyone until I met you. I've gone through a lot in life and I've been very mistreated and even abused a few times. But you show me so much love and it's real. I can feel it radiating off of you everytime you look at me, and I don't deserve it.

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