Distant: Chapter 42

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I'm so glad I never forgot Jake, he has become like a little, yet older brother at the same time. I close the door only to hear a knock, less then a minute later. Ariya, Kevin, Reggie, Cassie, Griffin, Xepher, and Brennen are all out the door. "Holly shit." I mumble before laughing. I hug all of them as they come in. "Is this a party or something?" I ask as I welcome the last person in. "I might have texted the group chat to come over." Tara says, smiling. "Who cares we want a storyyyy. What happened and how!" Kevin exclaims, making the group laugh. "Waite so you really remember all of us and everything?" Cassie asks as a statement. "Yup." I say nodding my head. "You did. You crazy son of a bitch. You did it." Reggie mimics. The whole group explodes in laughter. After we all settle down and catch our breath, we just all start talking with one another. At some point in time I ended up settling down into Colby on the couch and the whole group was settled in around our living room, prepared to hear me attempt to explain what happened. I tell them about what happened at the mountain, and when I fainted in Colby's hand. I tell them everything, I try not to leave out a single detail. Except.... I leave out the dream I had last night. I don't know it kind of scared me and I kind of just want to talk to Tara or maybe the girls about it first or something. After I finish talking I look around and see everyone's shocked or confused faces, but Sam's face was different. He looked like he was thinking, and kind of concerned. "What?" I ask looking at Sam. "Was she nice?" Sam asked. "Well, she wasn't mean." I answer confused. "Can we talk?" He asks, still lost in his thoughts. "Uh. Yeah sure I guess." I say as Sam and I get up. "I'm coming." Tara says getting up. Neither of us said anything. I actually didn't mind Tara coming, based on Sam's expressions I may need her comfort. Maybe he thought that too, which scared me even more. Sam, Tara, and I walked over to my room. I closed the door behind me, not knowing what else to do. "So what's up?" I ask with hesitation. "Well the night we went to the mountain. I felt something off about the lady. I don't know if it was the way she dressed, or what, I just had an off feeling. Then we saw the writing and now your telling me this." "That's so weird." Tara whispers. "That's not all though." Sam continues. "When Colby and I got home. I ended up searching 'The Lady in Red' and she came up. The only problem is she is a ghost." "Waite what?" I ask. "Yeah, but don't worry. She's often described as nice." Sam says, while pulling out his phone. "It said, she died from a broken heart, was very vain, and a few more things." Sam says handing me his phone. I look over it and see the things Sam just told me written down. "Oh my god. My dream." I whisper. "What dream?" Tara asks. A tear streams down my face, because of how scared I've just become. God all I can do anymore is cry it seems. I explain to them what happened in my dream, how she was looking in the mirror, what she said and everything. "But that doesn't make sense. Do you like anyone else?" Tara asks. "Of course not. I love Colby with everything." I say. "Did you dream anything else?" Sam asks. "No I woke up then went back to sleep. I didn't have any dreams after that." I state. "Maybe it was just a dream. Maybe she was stuck in your head or something." Sam suggests. "Yeah, your right. We should probably go back to the group." I say. "Yeah, but do we tell them?" Tara asks. "Maybe not yet. I don't want to worry them. Everything just happened. If they ask we'll just tell them Sam figured out it was a ghost." I suggest. "Yeah." Sam agrees, before opening the door. We all walk out back to the group. I walk out and settle back into Colby's arm. "What was that about babe?" Colby whispers to me before kissing my head.

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